Surprises and Love - Part 25

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SO SORRY not proofread but I think you deserve an update :) LOVE YOU

>>Megs xoxooxo


Emma's POV

"Tralala - la!" I sang happily as I walked into the boys bedroom, only screaming, instantly regretting it. The boys were dancing around in their boxers, singing off tune. At least Harry had the decency to put on his boxers.

I shuddered. No, do not think about our relationship. We are best friend, forever. Friends...

The boys froze in their actions as I screamed and they burst into laughter, clutching their stomachs and rolling onto and over their messy floor.

They rolled around for a bit, Louis had a very red face from laughing too hard, but then they stopped and sat on their five separate beds and looked at me grinning.

"Do I even want to ask you what that was?" I scrunched up my nose and made a face and Niall chuckled.

"Maybe not, but if you do want to know, it was a celebratory dance for... I dunno actually," he frowned as did the other lads but they shrugged before grinning at me again.

"Well whatever it was don't do it again. Eleanor called and she will be here in twenty minutes Louis," I said, remembering why I came in for the first place.

Louis scrambled up and dashed into the bathroom like a mad man.

"And also, you boys ought to get dressed, I think we need to go out to dinner since I haven't actually really talked to you for six months," I said with a cheeky grin and they glanced at the time. It was 5:10pm and I had spent the day singing and thinking of baby names for my girl and waiting for Eleanor to come.

"Okie dokie!" Niall cheered before grabbing some clothes and lining up for the bathroom, his smooth stomach and muscles clearly visible.

I giggled before turning back into my room and I locked the door behind me and searched through the clothes management had decided to grace me with, for my pregnant state.

I saw a beautiful dress, a simple black dress with a silver design. It looked baggy but I knew it would fit. But I felt really ugly with a lump on my body, but it wasn't ugly, it was a sign of life. Just six months ago, felt like days ago, and I had been bouncing around in a cute summer dress that... I may never see again.

I felt tears threaten to fall at the memory of not knowing how much I had actually missed came over me.

I stripped and pulled on the dress. It was a perfect fit and I brushed my hair out and put it in a neat but messy bun and I applied some foundation, minimal eye shadow and mascara to highlight my blue eyes.

I glanced at the clock as my baby kicked. 5:30pm.

Almost as if right on cue, a knocking came at my door and I looked out the peephole to see Eleanor standing there with a huge grin on her face and I gave her a hug before I grabbed my purse, keys, phone and slipped on my black sequin ballet flats. I then followed her over to the boys room and I knocked on the door before opening it. Our rooms were adjoined but I had the power of the lock.

"Emma when will she be here?" Louis whined without turning around.

I giggled and he jumped around and his frown turned into a large grin.

"Eleanor!" He squealed and ran in and hugged her tightly before they kissed passionately and sweetly. I smiled, overjoyed for my brother.

"What did we.... oh hi Eleanor," Harry said as he walked out of the bathroom, followed by the other three boys who had freshened up and looked much tidier.

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