Rose: Tribe Names

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Rose watched as the Tribe cats gathered around the guests, forming a respectful circle. 

The grey tabby she-cat dropped a mouthful of mint leaves in front of them.

"Tell us your names. Then each of you take a mint leaf and eat it as your Tribe-mates choose your new names," Hay Stalk instructed.







Rose plucked one of the largest leaves from the small pile and chewed it, relishing the sharp taste.

The Tribe cats murmured to one another, tossing about name ideas. She caught whispers of White and Whiskers and Slash.

Finally the grey tabby stepped forward again.

"We have chosen Hay Stalk," she told the Tribe Leader.

"Go ahead Moon Stripe," Hay Stalk replied.

Moon Stripe turned to the big ginger tom cat sitting next to Rose.

"Skid Road."

Then the fierce looking white and black she-cat.

"Feather Slash."

Then Ink.

"Ink Smudge."

Then the dark tabby and the golden tom with white paws and chest.

"Muddy Whiskers and Sand Grain."

And finally, Rose.

"White Rose."

White Rose, she liked that name.

"I congratulate you all," a new voice spoke.

They all turned to stare at the ferns, where a ghostly tabby figure was pushing her way in.

"What- How?" came Hay Stalk's choked voice. "It can't be."

The tabby padded into the clearing and sat down, staring at the gathered Tribe with golden eyes.

"Thorn Flower," Hay Stalk whispered. "It can't be. You should be with the waves. You're dead."

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