Weed: The Tribe Name

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The tabby tom with the white chest and paws looked hopefully at the cats around him. The mint made his breath smell sharp and fresh. And he could smell it in the air around him as he tried to breath calmly.

He wanted this. He wanted this desperately. 

The name. The privilege. The honor. The home. He wanted it all.

Fish Bone, the replacement Traveler while Skid Road's legs were mending, had come and found him. To ask him a question Weed had waited for. 

He'd wanted to join the Tribe since he'd found out about them, but he hadn't known where to look. So he'd had to wait. Wait for a Tribe cat to enter his domain. 

He'd been impatient at first, and roamed the town searching. Only to fail and return to the hollow tree he lived in. 

Now, he would finally get what he wanted.

He watched Moon Stripe approach the Tribe Leader.

"We have decided," she announced. " Weed shall now be known as Weed Whisker."

Weed Whisker bowed his head in thanks. Oh how he had waited for this.

Something padded out of the crowd and straight towards him. 

He felt his fur bush up at the sight of the spirit. The rest of the Tribe however, were unafraid. A few gave purrs of amusement at his fright.

"Ahh," the tabby spirit purred. "I can see a marvelous future ahead of this one. Weed Whisker, I see you as the next Traveler one day. After Skid Road retires."

Weed Whisker gaped, the spirit was foretelling his future.

"I see kits, a loving mate, a peaceful death. You will have a great life."

"Th-thank you," he stammered. "F-for telling me."

 "Do not thank me," she purred. "Thank fate, for choosing a great path for you to walk."

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