Ginger Patch: The Coughing Kit

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"Ginger Patch!"

The ginger and white she-cat dropped the bundle of dried grass and feathers on the stone, sneezing as dust drifted up from it.

"Up here!" she called back, waving her tail in hopes of catching the Healer's eye.

She heard the clatter of pebbles down the cliff face as the she-cat made her way up the path to the entrance of the cave she was cleaning out for Hay Stalk. She smelled strongly of herbs, stronger than usual.

"Are you sure you should be up here alone?" 

Ginger Patch heard the scuff of Ink Smudge's paws on the stone. 

"I mean. . ."

She stared in what she hoped was the Healer's general direction. 

"I'm fine," she insisted. "I'm blind not helpless. My siblings spend enough time fussing over me and keeping me away from places they think I can't handle. This is the first time Hay Stalk has trusted me up here by myself, let me enjoy it. I won't fall."

"Very well," she heard the she-cat sigh.

There was the sound of leaves being pushed towards her. She recognized the smells. Coltsfoot and Tansy.

"Moon Stripe heard you coughing before. I think it's just because your clearing out all of these old bird nests, but Thorn Flower wants me to give you some of this just in case. She doesn't want you getting sick."

"You should really save them for cats that need them."

"I've got plenty."

Ginger Patch obediently licked them up.

She could hear the kits scampering out of their den, followed by Wood Fire.

"Look a feather!" exclaimed Silver Dot. 

"That's not a feather silly! It's a bird!"

That was Mint Leaf.

"Let's hunt it!" purred Blue Petal.

"Yeah!" squeaked Bell Wave. "Silver Dot and I will chase it to you and Mint Leaf! You pounce on it and kill it! Then we can put it with the rest of the prey!"

"Oh no!" squealed Mint Leaf. "Look the birds flying away! Catch it quick!"

There was the sound of four paw sets scampering across the clearing. 

"It's landing again! Get ready to jump!" Silver Dot ordered. 

With mews of delight the kits pounced, but only three. Bell Wave hung back, she could hear his breath rasping in his throat. He started to cough.

"Bell Wave needs some herbs. He's coughing again."

"Thanks. Your hearing always picks up when he's about to have a coughing fit. I'll go take care of him now," the Healer thanked, and left.

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