Chapter 2

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Waking up in my loft, I gave a sigh of relief before getting up to get ready for the day.

I flew out of my room to the main room of our Shea. I don't really know how I got back into my bed, but the events of yesterday started to clutter my mind so I had to push them out before I got a headache. I went to go spend the morning with my little sister and Grandmother. I was sitting down with my little sister zoning off into nothingness when I heard someone speaking to me.

"Eibhilín? Are you okay? I asked you a question."

I looked at my sister, "sorry Shaylee, I'm a little out of it today... or as always. What did you ask me?"

She looked me over for a second before responding with her happy tone again.

"Do you know when you will be crowned?!"
I smiled at her and gave a heartfelt laugh at her question.

"Shaylee! It's the first month of the autumn season! They don't even have a date set for the announcement and you know grandmother is still wary about me taking over Breena."

We flew out of the door and into the Branha to have our daily games in the flowers. We always meet up with Fynn to play our favorite game chase and catch. Kallan follows too but that is just his job being the head guard of the two fairy princesses.

I saw Fynn flying up to us and was about to tell him everything that happened in the forest yesterday when he beat me to speaking first.

"I am so sorry about yesterday, I know I should have told you before you went that I couldn't come but I was too busy. Training to be your Kallan is hard work".

He was next in line after his father to be our protector and Fynn was taking it very seriously. Before I could answer my very annoying Kallan spoke.

"There are dangerous things out in the Glendalough forest that I can't always protect you from. You have to understand that you can't go back there. Not for a long time anyway. You have to stay in Breena. Seriously."

I don't like following the rules very much, and it's not just because I am a princess. I have always felt a pull towards the things I do and once I start, there is no stopping me from doing them. Why was he saying this to me? What else is in this forest and why won't he ever tell me about them?

"Kallan, tell me what's going on. I can help I promise! Just let me know what I can do. Why do you want to keep me away from it? I am next in line to be Queen and I can handle it."

He looked at me with the most soft, yet intense gaze I've ever seen. I could tell he was debating whether or not he should tell me. He was about to open up to me, but before he could, my grandmother, Queen Orla, came gliding across the air and through the Branha.

"Kallan we need to go and discuss a plan now before it's too late."

She turned around and flew away before waiting around for his reply. I turned to him to drill more questions at him, but all he did was apologize, take Flynn by the arm, and fly after my grandmother.

My head was spinning with questions of why they won't tell me anything. They must not think I am ready to take on the responsibilities of the kingdom, but what dangers could possibly out here that I can't even know about? Whatever is going on here, I will get to the bottom of it. I have to for my own peace of mind.

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