~ the second day ~

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~ Boris's POV ~

I wake up and notice that (y/n) is next to me. I go to pat his head but something fuzzy got in my way. I get up carefully to not wake bendy up and I walk over to (y/n) and see white wolf ears and a wolf tail on him. Confused I touch the white ears and he wakes up.

~ your POV ~

I wake up to I pleasant feeling on my head. I open my eyes to see Boris touching above my head. "Good morning" I whisper to Boris. "Good morning" he whispers back. "(y/n) why do you have wolf ears and a tail?" Boris asks as he takes his hand away from my head. "Huh?" I get up and run to the mirror, Boris follows. I look at the mirror in shock. I touch my ears "i-it worked!?" I say as I rub my ears a bit. " You know (y/n) they kinda look cute on you" Boris says as he begins petting my ears. "Ah~ p-please stop." I tell him. "Oh sorry" he replies taking his hands off my ears. "It's fine. I'm just not used to it..."

Boris x male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now