Chapter 26- Shadow's Advice

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Sonic was sitting down on the grass with his friend. "I don't know what to do, Shadow..about Amy. I mean, she's with Scourge. She doesn't like me. And I just want to bring her back, you know?"

Shadow was listening to what he had to say. "I can see why you are struggling with this problem." He closed his eyes and spoke to him. "But Sonic, this is Amy, we're talking about. She's not going to come back, if she doesn't want to. You can't force her to. After all, you're the one that played games with her in the past, when you knew she liked you. And you didn't take it, seriously."

Shadow stood up from the grass. "Not to be rude or anything, but it is your fault. You mistreated her first. And now, she's changed and is with Scourge now. And that, in my opinion, isn't good for her. She shouldn't be fighting in a team of evil with that green no-good of a hedgehog."

"You're right, Shadow." Sonic agreed. "But I don't know what else to do? Should I keep on trying?" He said. "I have a bad feeling about Scourge. I don't want him hurting Amy."

"Well, all I can say is do whatever you please to your heart's desires." Shadow said. "But you shouldn't cross Amy's boundaries because that may upset her more. Although, there is nothing wrong with you trying to help her."

Rouge appeared out of the sky and she flew down and landed near Shadow. "Hey, guys."

"Hi, Rouge."

"Shadow." Rouge said. "It's time for our date. You promised that we would spend some alone time together."

Shadow blushed at what Rouge said. "Oh. Uh.." He scratched his head. "R-right. That is today."

"Woah!? You two are dating?" Sonic said.

"Yes, we are." Said Rouge.

"For how long?"

"We've been going out for 5 months." Rouge said. She fluttered her eyelashes and smiled. "After breaking the ice, that was between us for a while. Shadow, was the one who asked me out first. And I said yes, because I liked him too."

Shadow was humiliated that he blushed again. "R-Rouge!?"

Rouge and Sonic laughed at his reaction. "Well, that's great for you two." Sonic stated.

"Yeah. Anyways. We're off." Rouge said. "It was great seeing you, Sonic. Bye." She waved as her and Shadow left. "Farewell, Sonic," Shadow said.

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