Truth or dare(Chapter 1)

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Took place after season 4, but before season 5 of race to the edge.

It was raining heavily outside the clubhouse and no one could go outside unless they wanted to be soaked from head to toe.Everyone was do their own thing.

Astrid and Heather was chatting while they sat by their dragon.Hiccup and Fishlegs were geeking out about dragons again.The mutton headed twins were arguing about Thors knows what and Snotlout was having his 'beauty sleep'(If beauty sleep was such a thing, Snotlout should go into hibernation.Get it!)

"How could you shame macey like that!"Tuffnut asked overdramaticly like always.

"Because She's just a mace,"Ruffnut stated the obvious.Tuff just gasped at his sister's remark."Anyway, I'm so bored...."She complained.

"Why don't we play truth or dare?"Fishlegs suggested.

"Why not,"Hiccup added.

"I'm in."The twins said in unison.Heather and Astrid looked at each other.

"I think we'll pass,"Heather said.

"Could someone wake Snotlout up?"

"With pleasure."Astrid cracked her knuckles while she walked over to Snotlout and kicked his gut.His eyes shot.He obvilously didn't expect to wake up to someone kicking him in his gut.

"Not what I had in mind, but......okay,"Hiccup said, rubbing the back of his neck.

After a few rounds

"Hiccup, truth or dare?"Snotlout asked.

"Umm......dare,I guess?"

"But this requires both you and Fishface to do."Snotlout said as he pointed to Fishlegs. Hiccup turned to face Fishlegs. He just shrugged.The young viking walked towards Hiccup and Fishlegs and whispered something into their ears.The duos eyes widened.

"You want us to what!"They exclaimed. Snotlout smirked and geasured towards the two valkyries who were still chatting.Hiccup and Fishlegs walked behind the girls.Astrid and Heather was noticing from the corner of their eyes what was happening and was baffled.

"What in the name of Thor are y-"Astrid asked before she was cut off when The boys undid their braids.The gang was jaw dropped.The duo just wondered why they didn't let down their hair more often.

Imagine that they looked like the pictures below:

Imagine that they looked like the pictures below:

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"Why would you d-"Heather shouted but was cut off when Fishlegs smashed his lips into hers and Hiccup smashed his into Astrid's

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"Why would you d-"Heather shouted but was cut off when Fishlegs smashed his lips into hers and Hiccup smashed his into Astrid's.The girls felt like they were in Valhala and kissed back.


I hope you like it.

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