1st love and prank(Chapter 5)

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"Heather, truth or dare?"Astrid asked.

The black haired girl thought for a mommemt.If she choose truth, Astrid would ask her an embarrassing question.But if she choose dare,she would dare her to kiss fishlegs, aka her crush.

"Hmmmm dare."Astrid thought for a second. She kind of hoped that Heather would pick dare, but she didn't.

"Was Fishlegs your first crush?"Astrid asked.Stunned, Heather started thinking back when she lived with her adoptive parents. Then she remembered one particular person.

"Uhhhh yes,"She confested. The gang were in shock. They always thought that Fishlegs was her first love. Fishleg was actually quite envyous, but tried his best to hide it.

"Really!I always thought Fishy was your first crush."Said a voice from outside the clubhouse. It was Dagur.

"Oh, hi Dagur."Tuffnut said causually."Wait Dagur!"

"What are you doing here?"Hiccup asked as he greeted him.

"Well...... a little birdy told me that you guys were playing truth or dare and...... I want in!"He said.

"Sure!"Heather then gestured for him to sit next to her."Truth or dare?"


"I dare to send a terrer mail to Stoick to declare a war."She said.

"Your insane!I like it!Ok!"Dagur then started to right the letter and sent it off.

"And now we wait,"The gang burst out laughing and started to imagin Stoicks  reaction to the terrer mail.

I hope you enjoy😄

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2020 ⏰

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