Chapter 5: Betraying the Cons

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Thundercracker and Skywarp nearly ran out of the main hub of the Decepticon base if it hadn't been for the burning rage in their sparks over Starscream's condition. Megatron had finally crossed the line by tearing off Starscream's wings after Starscream had failed to capture Raoul and now he was ready to end the second in command's life out of pure rage. Without hesitation the two seekers fired their Null Rays which stunned their leader long enough to evacuate Starscream to the makeshift Medical bay.
"Hang on Star." Thundercracker begged as he cradled Starscream's trembling body.
Starscream's optics dimmed and brightened showing that he was trying to hold on for dear life. However, the other Decepticons were now horrified at Starscream's state and they were EXTREMELY furious with their leader for his brutal treatment of their Air Commander to the point where Soundwave, FREAKING Soundwave SMACKED Megatron REALLY HARD in the face.
"So we fail one mission and we get told off, but when Starscream fails you RIP HIS WINGS OFF AND TRY TO KILL HIM?! WHAT THE FRAGGING HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" Soundwave shouted, actually raising his monotonous voice in rage before stomping off.
Megatron knew right then and there that he needed to drop his pride and apologize for all the times he had hurt Starscream, but he knew that Starscream might not accept that apology out of rage let alone listen to it.

Ratchet valiantly struggled against Blitzwing's grip but the triple changer's grip was too difficult to break. Within seconds Ratchet's mind went from anger to terror when he saw Starscream's condition. Both wings were laying on either side of the seeker's body and he looked like he would drop dead at any second.
"I'll see what I can do to save him." Ratchet explained nervously, not knowing if saving Starscream would be possible.
"We need our air commander." Blitzwing added in a serious tone as he looked at the Autobot medic.
"I understand." Ratchet replied as Blitzwing left the room.
"I'll never forgive Megatron for this. I'd rather be... An Autobot than an abused Decepticon Air Commander." Starscream moaned as he looked away.
"STARSCREAM SAY WHAT?!" Ratchet, Thundercracker and Skywarp exclaimed at the same time.
"That's a big heart change." Thundercracker said softly.
"And no one's gonna stop me." Starscream added with a hint of seething anger evident in his voice.
"And we're sticking with you to the bitter end, Starscream!" Skywarp exclaimed proudly as he and Thundercracker held Starscream's hand in theirs.
"Thanks guys." Starscream replied happily as Ratchet finished repairing his wings.
Ratchet had tried to get the weld lines to lie flat but now there were jagged "scars" on his wings.
"I'm sorry I don't have my grinder but..." Ratchet was cut off.
"No, don't be. I'm going to keep these. They'll make me feel tougher." Starscream replied with a soft smile.
"If you insist." Ratchet chuckled.
"But now we've got a dilemma. How can we become Autobots without Megatron findi... I'VE GOT IT!" Starscream exclaimed, snapping his fingers.
"What is it?!" Thundercracker asked eagerly as he leaned forward in anticipation.
"We could create clones of ourselves but with our memories up until I said I'd rather be an Autobot." Starscream explained excitedly.
"You're a fragging Genius!" Ratchet exclaimed as Starscream actually smiled sweetly.
"Let's get straight to it!" Thundercracker exclaimed as the four raced towards the cloning room.

Within a few minutes, the cloning pods were ready.
"Let's do this." Starscream sighed as he exhaled slowly.
It didn't take long until the clones were ready to go with the chosen memories intact as well as special traits that were unique to each seeker. The team quickly activated them and the new seekers left.
"Um Guys! We've got company!" Ratchet suddenly exclaimed in fear.
"Soundwave!" Skywarp moaned when the four noticed an open space bridge to Cybertron.
"Hurry!" Starscream exclaimed as the four jumped into the space bridge.
Within mere seconds the four were sprawled on the metal ground of Cybertron.
"Cybertron... " Starscream sighed softly when a small hand stroked his foot.
"EEK!" Starscream shrieked when he noticed a seeker sparkling in front of him.
"Aww, Where'd you come from little guy?" Starscream asked softly as he carefully scooped up the sparkling before holding it to his chest like his carrier had done when he was little.
The sparkling playfully nuzzled Starscream's cockpit making the red seeker smile softly.
"I'm gonna call you Sky." Starscream giggled as the tiny mech poked his nose.
"Aww! Look Star! There's two more!" Skywarp exclaimed as he and Thundercracker picked up the matching set of Sparklings.
"Looks like we're parents now." Starscream sighed happily.

Meanwhile back in the Decepticon base, Megatron knew that he had to apologize to Starscream for the way he had treated the seeker. However the Decepticon leader was so lost in his thoughts that he collided into the red seeker and he fell to the ground, landing on his aft.
"What do you want?!" (D con) Starscream snarled as he aimed his null rays at Megatron's face making Megatron panic slightly.
"To say I'm sorry." Megatron mumbled making (D con) Starscream lower his null rays in confusion.
"I'm sorry, what did you say?" (D con) Starscream asked as he gave Megatron a searching look.
"I'm sorry for how I've treated you. I've only now just realized that you were wanting to prove your worth to me... but I was too ignorant to notice and I let my rage blind me. I understand if you can't forgive me but at least know that I'm sorry." Megatron sighed as he stood back up, and he turned to walk away when he was tackled from behind making him fall over again.
"What in the?!" Megatron exclaimed as he rolled over.
The Decepticon leader was speechless as (D con) Starscream warmly hugged him and without a warning gave Megatron a kiss on his helm making Megatron return the gesture.

Meanwhile back on Cybertron, Starscream, Thundercracker and Skywarp were gathering up as many supplies as they could carry for the three sparklings.
"I think we have everything we need now." Starscream chuckled softly as he gently bounced Sky around.
"Well now what? Megatron might be onto us..." Thundercracker gulped.
"Has anyone else been here looking for us?" Starscream asked as he deadpanned.
"No..." Thundercracker replied.
"Then we're fine... But oddly, I'm getting a funny feeling in the back of my head." Starscream sighed.
"I'll take the supplies to the Ark and I'll tell Prime we have new members joining us." Ratchet said as he grinned.
"Thanks Ratchet." Starscream replied as he handed over Sky.
Ratchet smiled as he entered the Autobot space bridge while waving at the seekers.

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