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Part 80

Why Buy the Lies?

"Some people Lie, and think they're Very Smart, but Prove they're Foolish, Far beyond a Doubt; but Christ 'll Grant us All another Start, if All those Lies we'll Choose ta Do without!"

Prayer for Grace

"May Every Sleepless Creature Find sweet Rest; may Every Body, Heart, and Mind be Healed! May Courage Find a Home in Every Breast; may Every Cynic's Heart ta Jesus Yield!"

Prayer for Wholesome Change

"Oh, Please, dear Lord, relieve my Worried Mind, and Grant ta Me your confidence and Peace! Abundant Life in You I've Gotta Find; please Help this Firm resolve in strength increase! Accept my Thanks for Coming Freedom Now, together We can Make it All the Way! Please Tell me What ta Do, please Show me How! In Jesus' Holy Name, here now, I Pray!"

Let's Pray a Little

"Let's Pray a Little 'bout our Need ta Pray, 'cause We need Help to Make it, every Day! Ta Seek, and Ask, and Knock's the Wisest Way, and prayer Helps a Person FEEL OK!... Ta Offer Thanks can Help a Pilgrim, Too, so, Offering Thanks 's a Right-Smart Thing ta Do! And If ya Buy these Truths, an' Follow Through, ya Might just Turn into a Brand New You! And Wouldn't That be Something, Now!?!"


"Just What is Freedom, Brother, Anyway? And Isn't Loving Freedom's Other Name? And As fer Me, I've Found I Need ta Pray, ta KEEP ABLAZE INSIDE ME FREEDOM'S FLAME!"

Why Not Be Merciful?

(to a brother)

"Well, Are ya Gonna LOVE your Self, Or Not? Will You be Kind, Or Cruel, Mister Man? Will You accept the Truths you've Fiercely Fought? 'Cause You can Practice Mercy, Yes, You CAN!"

Forgiving Still

"It's Buddha's Love that People Need ta Know; it's Hidden Deep within each Person's Heart. You Must exert your WILL fer Love ta Show; you've Gotta Act for Someone's Good, ta Start! It's Wise ta Keep on Loving On and On, 'cause Always Someone Needs ta Feel that Grace; we've Gotta Love till All the Hatred's Gone, till Foes kin Foes with Kindly Love embrace! Let's Love, forgiving Still, and See those Dreams come True; let's Start right Now, I Will; now How about you Too?

Kindly Love

(song lyric)

"It's Only Kindly Love will Do, so Let's all Choose that Golden Way! And Keep them Blessings Coming Through Loving ALL we Meet Today!"

Little Ducky

(song lyric)

"I'm a little Ducky, Here's My Bill; Here are my Feathers, and here's my tail! We Waddle With Our Mama to the Pond And Back, Always Come a' Running when she Quack-Quack-Quack! I'm a Little Ducky, and I Love My Fun! I'm a Ducky Wonderful, Wonderful One!"

Who's Responsible?

"So Many Fearful, Angry Folks on Earth! Why Don't we Dare ta Love for All we're Worth? Aren't You and I at Times such People, Friend? So Where should Loving Start, and Madness End? Right Here-and-Now!"

Corporate Evils Gotta Go!

"When Demons Claim they're Actual Persons, Friends, their Flagrant Lies all Stink ta Heaven High! They Claim their Nasty Means are Justified by Ends! Let's Make the Killer Corporations DIE!"

What to Do

"Now, What would All the Angels Have us Do? How Best ensure that Peace and Justice Thrive? We Must be KIND, or Mankind Won't survive! We've Gotta Love ...and LIVE Forgiveness, Too!"

Love Yourself

"Now, Love ain't Only Just for Others, Guy; you're Really supposed ta Love yourself, as Well! These Truths, with all your heart, ya Need ta Buy – if You'd transmute ta Heaven All your hell!"

Think About It

"Now, Killing Enemies don't Make ya Cool; and Being Kind's the Coolest Thing ta Do! It's Really DUMB ta Break the Golden Rule; it Ain't the Way ta Take good CARE 'o YOU! 'Cause As you Sow, you're Also Gonna Reap, and Killing Others Kills a Part o' You! Before ya Dig yourself a Hole too Deep, could Be some Loving 's What ya Ought ta Do!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2020 ⏰

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