Chapter 8

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The next 3 months went past in a blur. My classes were getting better at listening to me and following the lessons but Drew still manages to be a pain in my ass. He hated me since I made him go to detention with me for two weeks, he would have finished if I didn't see him trip Sam in the hallway whilst he was on his way to lunch.

Sam has started to get more comfortable in my apartment and we have made it a rule to sit and eat dinner so that we could talk about our days. At first, Sam barely said anything because he was not used to people caring about him. He usually meets me at 4:30 in my class so that we can go home together unless he goes out with Alana and on Saturday Alana comes over to watch a movie with Sam before he "has to go for a while" I asked what he had to do but he replies with "stuff". It is so annoying, I know he isn't my child but I have started to get attached to him and he worries me. Alana thinks that it's sweet and tells me to stop being so protective, we have been getting to know each other a lot more and I like it, I have to admit that I am thankful that Sam goes out because it gives us alone time. It is harder to hide our relationship in school because I can't kiss her or hold her when I want to. We almost got caught last week if it wasn't for my hearing, a student needed help with the homework I had set and Alana pretended that she also needed help so I proceeded to explain it to both of them knowing that she already knew what to do and had handed it in the day after it was set. When the kid left she laughed and smiled.

"That was totally cool, how did you hear him, you told me like five minutes before he even got here"

"Actually I heard him tell his friend outside so it gave me time to warn you and get a decent kiss from you and not those petty butterfly kisses"

She huffed and laughed before walking to me and leaning down to give me a peck on the lips. I growled deep in my throat in annoyance, wanting to feel her lips against mine and to feel her heat up in arousal. Pulling her against me and covered her mouth with mine and gave her a slow and sensual kiss until she was left breathless. She looked at her watch and cursed before telling me she had to go home. She gave me another peck and got up before I could start something else, smiling at me, she waved her hand and left.

She really is beautiful, I love everything about her and I could stare at her all day. Her smile that causes her whole face To light up. Her dimpled cheeks that flare red when I compliment her, the sway of her hips when she walks and the way her curls frame her face making her look adorable. The way her body fits perfectly against mine and how she grinds against me when our make-out sessions get hot an-.

"Hello, Earth to Hunter. You zoned out for a second, what were you thinking about"

She stood in front of me whilst we were both in the kitchen making dinner, which was vegetable soup with homemade bread before Sam came back from wherever he was. I smirked and pulled her against me which caused Alana to gasp in surprise. I nibbled her ear and was rewarded with the sexiest sound I had ever heard.

"Well, I was thinking about how sexy you are when you moan from my kisses" I whispered against her ear and she shivered which caused me to smirk. I continued to nibble on her ear and she moved her neck giving me access which I gladly began to suckle on leaving love bites that trailed to the beginning of her low cut vest top. Before I could carry on the door slammed open revealing Sam who had a bruise forming under his eye. I released Alana and I walked over to Sam to inspect the damage done to him. I reached out and touched Sam's eye, he winced at the contact and tried to get walk away but I grabbed his arm when he did.

"Sam, we made a deal to not keep any secrets"

"I'm not keeping a secret, you can clearly see that I got beat up"

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