Chapter 14

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Chapter 14:

Harry and Draco did listen to their parents and go straight back to the common room, they didn't have time to grumble about the unfair punishment because as soon as they entered there was a massive cheer and a party kicked in to gear; Slytherin style. The two first years exchanged looks before grinning and embracing the party, drinks were passed around, food was led out and music was playing to celebrate the victory of Sirius Black putting James Potter in his place. The Slytherins were beyond ecstatic and Harry nearly felt pity for what Potter would have to face tomorrow before he laughed and shared his thoughts with Draco, the blonde smirked.

"Tomorrow is going to be a beautiful day." Draco agreed. The party lasted in to the early hours and it was only when Snape entered the common room and glared at everyone did they flee to the safety of their dorms, Harry all but skipped to his bed, to him the day couldn't have gone better. His father had beat James Potter hands down, he had given a slandering interview without being directly slandering, he had met the Dark Lord in his own form, he had spoken to said Dark Lord who had revealed himself to his trusted and things were in motion; it had been a very good day.

Of course, he was planning on getting Marvolo back for the nasty stunt he pulled in front of the other adults, Harry hadn't thought about the repercussions of stealing the Philosopher's Stone when he was doing, and now he was grounded along with Draco. Harry had a rough idea on what he was going to do, it just had to go right and hope that he got the reaction he wanted.

"Do you think Potter will show his face tomorrow?" Theo asked, climbing into his bed.

"I think he has too, but he will either come really early or really late hoping to be undetected." Harry replied, climbing in his own, Aressa slid over and curled around his neck hissing happily. She hadn't wanted to come to the duel, favouring the dungeons and exploring.

#Hey beautiful#

#Master you are back#

#Of course, I had to come and see you# She settled nicely and Harry absently stroked her with his left hand, the other boys were still not used to his Parsel ability and were blinking, the only one used to it was Draco who rolled his eyes.

"Did anyone see how happy Lady Potter was when he husband lost?" Blaise questioned and Harry's attention went straight to the other Snake.

"Yes, what else did you see?" It came out a bit sharper than intended, but no one pointed it out.

"I don't know," Blaise frowned, "He looked at her and she went really pale." Harry cursed.

"What?" Draco asked and Harry shook his head.

"Not now," Harry muttered, his brain was working overdrive thinking about all the other things he had seen with Lily over the past couple of months and it wasn't drawling a good conclusion. If it was true then he would be pissed, even if he didn't like Lily she didn't deserve that, and Magic help Potter if it was true. Harry led down after saying good night with plans running through his mind, for an unexplained reason he was worried for Lily and he internally cursed Helga and her caring nature that she passed on.

He would see if he could gather more evidence and if his theory turned out to be correct he would deal with it then. Harry checked his Occlumency shields and organised his mind, he needed to sleep as he wouldn't put it past Sev to wake them up at some ungodly hour. Harry sat bolt upright; Severus. If he was right, Severus was going to be angry, the Potions Master had a major soft spot for Lily Potter. Harry groaned and pushed everything back; he was going to sleep.

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