Chapter 22 (pt 2)

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"I might tell him myself," Harry said and laughed when they turned their incredulous eyes on him.

"You have no sense of preservation, do you?"

"Of course I do, but the only time I see the Dark Lord is in Sal's castle and Sal likes me more than Marvolo so I'll never be maliciously injured while I'm there because Sal is practically the ward stone." Harry explained.

"Well that is a bit reassuring," Sirius said looking slightly appeased.

"Glad to be of service."

"I think I am going to retire to the library before I head to bed early." Remus decided, "Its been a long day and tomorrow is going to be just as long."

"I am going to my study, I have papers that need to go through so I shall see you later." Sirius pressed a light kiss to Remus' cheek before vanishing down the corridor.

"I'll join you in the library if you don't mind uncle Moony, it seems I have potions to make." Harry said and the pair made their way to the library both wondering what the upcoming days were going to hold.

The first thing that Lily became aware of was that she wasn't in as much pain as she should have been. After what had happened, James – James she had never seen in such a rage before and he brought it all down on her. She couldn't work out what had happened, she remembered barricading herself in the nearest room as soon as she got away from his grasp, but that was it. She tried to work out where she was, she was in a comfortable bed and she could hear a soft voice speaking to her quietly as they held her hand. It sounded like Severus and she wished it was, but that was insane because Severus hated her and he had ever right to.

"Why didn't you come to me?" The voice sighed in a frustrated manner and Lily was sure that her mind had finally snapped because it sounded exactly like Severus would when he couldn't work out a new potion.

"I would have helped you, you should have known that. You were my best friend, my Fire Lily, nothing would change that."

Lily nearly stopped breathing at the sound of her old nickname. Severus had given it to her when they were younger, it was the first time he had seen her loose her temper and it had stuck with her, but Severus was the only person who ever called her by it.

"S-Sev," She croaked and then winced, her throat was like sandpaper from the screaming. The person beside her stilled and for a second she feared that it was James, but the fear was laid to rest when she heard an almost frantic Severus Snape.

"Lily, Lily, come on, open your eyes." Severus coaxed and, with a lot of difficulty, she cracked open her eyes and looked up in to the obsidian eyes she was only to familiar with.

"Do you have any idea how worried I've been?" Severus demanded and despite her confusion and pain, Lily couldn't help but smile at the fact that Severus had not changed.

"What happened? Where am I?" She asked in a hoarse voice. Severus gently lifted her up in to a sitting position and helped her drink a cool glass of water, it was laced with a potion that would sooth her raw throat courtesy of Harrison.

"You are currently at Black Manor." Severus told her softly, "As to what happened, I do not know exactly as I was summoned after your arrival of which was two days ago, you were in a state and collapsed."

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