Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

When Lily went in to wake her son up Saturday morning she was surprised to find him in a meditative trance in the centre of the bed, it was unusual, she thought, that he could meditate so well when he was so young; Rosina couldn't do it even though Lily had tried. It was why there was no hope in teaching the girl Occlumency. Lily wondered if Harry had any shields within his mind, when she was younger she had managed to build up some of her own without knowing what they were and it was only when he had explained everything to her did she know what she had done. Feeling it was best to leave him as he was, she quietly left the room. Lily knew that Harry didn't even want to be there, and she had tried to convince James to let him be. She said that maybe if they just left him to his own devices, and be a silent support, he would eventually come around. She knew, of course, the likelihood of that was very slim, but it was a better option than what James was doing currently.

Harry knew his mother had entered but appreciated that she left him alone, he wanted to complete his testing without interruptions and only when he had been though every part of his mind did he rise and go down to breakfast, which, to his misfortune, was not going to be ate in the Great Hall. The food was very nice, obviously coming from the Hogwarts kitchens, and Harry was only too happy to sit and eat in silence. He murmured a thanks to Lily for breakfast, knowing that she would have been the only one to actually remember him, before vanishing back to his room to study his creation.

He didn't doubt that he knew it, and he knew the potion was flawless, but he was going to be making it in front of a completely new audience and that held a mild pressure. He even watched himself make the potion in his memory, carefully noting everything he did and didn't do whilst brewing and bringing it to the forefront of his mind. In no time at all, Harry was being called for lunch and he smiled slightly; he would be escaping soon.

"Rosie has her extra training this afternoon, I would ask you to join but it is advanced level so you more than likely wouldn't understand." James told him in what could have been a sympathetic voice. Harry raised an eyebrow, barely keeping in his amusement at that sentence, but it gave him the perfect excuse to vanish for the entire afternoon so he was taking it.

"I'll be on my way so I don't get my average sized brain confused with the advanced training." Harry said, his voice lined with Sarcasm that went way over James' head. He got to his feet and left, slipping through all of his shortcuts to get him back to the dungeons as quick as humanly possible. He walked in to the common room and released a sigh of utter relief, dropping down on the leather sofa next to Draco with as much grace as an elephant, smiling slightly.

"What has you so happy? I'd have thought you would have been angry because of the Potters." Draco inquired.

"Oh I am, but my happiness at seeing green again is overriding that." He answered, making the blond look at him in confusion.


"I have literally never seen so much red and gold in one room." He said seriously, "It was everywhere."

"That bad?"

"I honestly believe they would be less red and gold in the Gryffindor common room. And it was just so bright! I was starting to believe I would become colour blind and never see anything other than red and gold."

Draco snorted at his dramatics, shaking his head when Harry laughed.

"Don't stay here too long, if you want to go and see uncle Sev, anyway."

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