Chapter 28

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Chapter 28:

"I almost pity Potter," Harry said after a moment, and the three at the table looked at him as if he had lost his head.

"Excuse me?"

"Well, think about it, he's so arrogant that he thinks this is going to win. He's going to have to face dad, uncle Luc, and Lord Nott as they face him down, but, not only that, Marvolo is going to be there to chew Dumbledore up and spit him out and so Potter is going to be alone." Harry was smirking when he finished and Draco laughed.

"I see what you mean."

"He's extremely foolish to take anything against the Blacks to court." Narcissa mused.

"Especially given his precarious media position." Remus added, "When he loses he is going to look worse."

"I bet he didn't even consider that." Harry said with a smirk.

"Poor thing." Draco put in convincingly.

"Well, let us not linger. Dragon, go and get ready for the day before Theodore gets here."

"Yes, Mother." Draco nodded to the guests and left the room.

"Excuse me, Remus, Harry." Narcissa said, rising to her feet, "I shall return momentarily."

"Of course,"

"You know, I haven't had this much drama in the past ten years."

"It's simply because I am just that amazing." Harry stated, and Remus chuckled.

"You definitely have something special, Cub."

Harry rolled his eyes. They both looked around when Draco walked back in and he wasn't alone, Theo walked along next to him and Harry grinned.


"Hello, Harrison." The Nott Heir greeted brightly, "I see you haven't actually taken a holiday yet."

"You know me," Harry joked. Harry went to stand by his friends while Remus held out his arm for the approaching Narcissa, they headed towards the floo room and Harry went first to allow Theo in to the Black Manor. Harry led Draco and Theo out in to the entrance hall and waited for the adults.

"You three are free to do as you will, as long as you do not leave the manor or the grounds." Remus stated and they nodded and ran off.

"Shall we go and check on Miss Evans?" Narcissa suggested and Remus smiled.

"Yes, lets. I am sure she would welcome the company."

"Where has Severus disappeared to today?" Cissa asked,

"I do not know, he merely informed us that he was leaving." Remus told her.

"Oh? I would hasten to guess it is something potions related." Narcissa said thoughtfully, "Though, with Severus, it could be anything."

"He has been thinking of something as of late, but he has not mentioned anything." Remus remembered, "Maybe it has something to do with that."

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