Chapter 23

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Chapter 23:

Harrison stormed through Slytherin castle with his magic flaring around him, he was so mad but at the same time he didn't even know if he should be mad and that was only adding to his anger. He stalked up the grand staircase hissing to himself as he went, his feet talking automatic route to the library where he found Salazar Slytherin sat proudly in his frame.

"What is wrong, Snakelet, your magic is positively wild." Salazar asked alarmed and Harry hissed.

"That's the problem, I don't know!" Harry growled, "It's ridiculous, my mind seems to have decided that its not going to make any sense what so ever and now I'm left like this." Harry began to pace furiously muttering to himself and pulling at his hair.

"I mean why couldn't things just stay the same, I was perfectly content on hating Lily, James and Rosina and then Lily just had to go and show that she tried to be a good person and threw everything up in the air. According to James, she wanted me back but he stopped her and then she stood up for me when Dumbledore and Potter decided to try and run my life which then made me see a whole new side to the situation. I just had to find that James was abusing her and then I start getting all of these feelings that only leave me confused and I decided that, as she is being abused because of me, that I should do something about it because apparently it's not my moral compass to allow a woman to be abused by her husband.

"So I decided to give her a portkey in case of emergencies because there is nothing else I could do, she's wields no power against him and he'd say she's lying and that would be that. I thought that maybe I could have been blowing things up, that it was a lapse of control but nooooo, over pops Lily on the verge of death after Potter decided that she would make a great human flipping target. And now she's at my manor getting healed and I have no idea how I'm feeling because everything I've known has been thrown up in the air. It doesn't help that people are under the belief that I should 'clear the air' I mean for the love of Lady Magic herself, how in Hades am I supposed to 'clear the air' with the woman who used to be my mother who gave me up only to fight for me to come back. That is not normal circumstances. What am I supposed to do? Should I ignore her? Should I forgive her? I mean I know I said I didn't hate her anymore because how can you hate someone who has actually fought for you, but that was a far as everything else went. This just all needs to go away!"

"Snakelet, sit down." Salazar barked and Harry dropped to the floor immediately, looking up at the portrait. "Good, now list the ingredients followed by the process of the blood boiling potion."

Harry ran the potion through his mind before listing the ingredients in alphabetical order followed by the step by step process of making the potion.

"Then you take it off the heat to cool and it is complete when it settled on a deep purple with an inky sheen." Harry finished finding himself calmer now.

"Correct, now imagine yourself going through that process, think about all the tiny details of potions making as you brew the blood boiling potion and say it again." Harry went through the process again but this time he pictured himself doing it clearly in his mind, every cut, every stir, the heat of the flame and the thickness of the smoke.

"Now watch as the potions simmers," Salazar said quietly, watching as Harry closed his eyes and breathed deeply. "Think of only the sound, the bubbles and the crackling of the flame." He instructed his voice not above a whisper. Harry was listening to the sounds he was so familiar with, it was soothing, calming and it flowed through his mind easily.

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