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Aizawa-sensei was staring at him, analysing every move he made. He didn't look very happy at the boy's performance, he was actually dissapointed. What was he thinking when he picked the boy, he can't even do a push-up.

The teacher sighted, signing Hitoshi to get up. The boy got up in confusion wondering what did he do wrong for his sensei to stop the test.

'Sensei I-'

'You did horrible. I'm sorry.'

Did he hear right? No, it can't be. He worked hard for that, too hard. He poured his soul in everything he did, all the sacrifices he has done. He couldn't let it end there, he had so much more to prove.

Hitoshi's world went blurry. He couldn't tell who was speaking to him, was it Mr. Aizawa or... his mom?

'Hitoshi, I am really sorry but you have to learn your lesson.'

'I am sorry kid but you're useless in this state.'

'You're useless, Hitoshi, how many times do I have to tell you for you to understand?'

'Kid, you should have worked more, I am sorry but-'

"-but I can't help you if you decide to be a spoiled brat! Fine! Be a brat but don't brag about your punishment!'

'I can't help you kid'


Hitoshi's entire world was spinning. His head was weighting too much, he felt as it could explode at any moment. He was waiting, waiting for the slap that wasn't coming yet, and for the insults to be thrown. He knew what was coming too well for his liking. But then, another voice started talking from his behind.

'We need to talk'

He knew that voice. He could never forget it. He was sure of what was coming next. He stood where he was, waiting for that. He was terrified.


Hitoshi was in his bed, dripping with sweat, not able to move. He was half awake, shaken because of the nightmare he had. Hitoshi knew it was just a dream and he shouldn't be scared, but he couldn't help it.

It felt so real...

It was the night after his second training. Aizawa-sensei gave him a workout plan to do every morning and taught the boy some exercises to do during training, before teaching him fighting tactics.

Some loud noises were coming from the kitchen, keeping him awake. He didn't want to know what was going on, but he couldn't stay still either. His payment just came in and he finished all his homework, so he decided to workout. He had to work much harder than everyone else in order to achieve his dream.

one push-up

What is that noise though

two push-ups

Dumbass, you know what makes the sounds

three push-ups

I don't want to know

four push-ups

But you do. Why aren't you helping

ten push-ups

What do you want me to do?!

twenty push-ups

Go help her

Leave me alone

Be a good son, help your poor mother

But she will-

~𝑰 𝒔𝒘𝒆𝒂𝒓 𝑰 𝒍𝒊𝒗𝒆𝒅~  (𝒅𝒂𝒅𝒛𝒂𝒘𝒂 + 𝒎𝒐𝒎𝒎𝒂𝒅𝒂)Where stories live. Discover now