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Someone  was speaking near him, but he couldn't tell who it was. He was laying on his back with his eyes closed, having a terrible headache. Where was he staying? He felt like he was missing something, but what could it be...?

'Hey, little listener, can you wake up please?' He heard someone speaking gently. Were them talking with him?

Hitoshi groaned, trying to open his heavy eyes, without doing much. Everything was too bright, it took him a couple minutes to adapt to it. His first sight was the concerned face of his teacher, who had kneeled down to check on him. Hitoshi couldn't tell well, but it looked like his teacher had tears in his eyes. Did he look that  bad?

He slowly stood up, trying to not let his pounding heart make him jumpy again. He had to prove everyone that he was strong and deserved all that he had.

'I am sorry sensei, what happened?'

'No need to be sorry, Shinsou. You ran into the classroom and fainted. How are you feeling?'

'I am fine.' He replied way too fast.

The boy walked over to his seat, trying to keep himself as calm as possible. This was going to be his first day of training, he couldn't just go home. He was able to feel his teacher's eyes fixed on him, but he had to be fine.

He tried to focus on the lesson but all he could hear was his classmates' murmur. Some of them were minding their business, sure, but more than half of them were convinced that Hitoshi was a part-time villain, which was total bullshit. The fact that he was almost falling asleep, fainted from exhaustion and looked homeless really didn't help the rumours. 

He has been bullied since he was 5, the age his quirk made its presence. From the talkative curious kid he slowly became withdrawn, fearing that he would accidentally activate his quirk. 

His dad lost his job after telling one of his colleagues about the quirk, being falsely acused of threatening. Because of that he had to move to another country in order to make money for his family. Hitoshi's mom was at one point the perfect mother, but her husband's leaving marked her, causing her to slowly change. In 2 or 3 years she started having extreme mood swings and mania episodes,  blaming everything on her son.

No outsider knew his story, but even if they did they would only use it against Hitoshi. Now, that he was at UA, the rate of bullying considerably dropped, but that didn't mean it dissappeared. Less people would push him on the hallways, but more and more would write him letters of why he shouldn't be there anymore.

He knew that. He didn't want to be there. But he couldn't just leave knowing that he had done so much bad to the world. He had decided to fix it first, and then go at peace. But for doing that he had to work more than everybody else.

But some days were just difficult. Days like that one. Days in which he was wishing someone would just come and kill him, so he wouldn't have to be sorry for anything. Days in which going to school was a nightmare. Days in which he felt like everyone wanted him dead. Days in which time flies by and at the same time in which a second felt like an hour. It was one of these days.

The ringbell threw him out of his thoughts, reminding him that he had to go to his first training. Surprisingly, his mood went instantly up, making him crack a smile. 

He flew to the changing rooms, put on a long-sleeved shirt and some comfortable pants he found and got into 1 A classroom 5 minutes earlier. He sat down and waited.

'You came.'

The grumpy voice coming from under the desk almost gave Hitoshi a panic attack. The kid managed to keep his chill and reply.

'Of course, sensei.'

'You fainted.'

Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shiitt. He knows. How. Why. No, I can't let him send me home, I have to do this.

'Yes, but only out of excitement. I apologise.'

Is he going to buy it? Aw man I hope I don't look that bad. Will he question the long-sleeved shirt?  Please, God, if you're there, please make him not question me.

'This time, only this time, I will allow you to train. Follow me'

God, I know I haven't talked to you for some huge ass years, but thanks.

As they were heading to the gym, the boy couldn't help but wonder why he was so lucky all of a sudden. His favourite pro hero was about to start training him, his homeroom teacher seemed to care about him, he started to gain some money... things were going good. But if everything was so good, then why was he feeling like this? 

Why do I want to dissapear?

'So, since I know your quirk, I have to know your physical abilities as well. You'll have some tests to see where to begin'

Ten minutes into the tests and Shouta was already impressed. It wasn't because of the results, they were just a little above average, but because of his motivation. The kiddo's usual blank eyes started having a flame in them, his determination being clear from his large calculated movements. He started calmly, but soon enough his speed encreased, emanating despair. He had tears in his eyes and refused to stop, even though Aizawa tried to tell him multiple times to take a break. 

He knew that kind of attitude too well. The kid was hurting, and at the moment coping with it through training. Shinsou was also trying to prove his sensei and himself that he deserved everything. The sight was tearing Shouta apart, reminding him of some times he would rather forget.


'No, it-it's okay I can go on.'

'Kid, stop'

I-I can do it!'

Why doesn't he understand?! This is the only chance to-

'Kid, you proved yourself. You didn't do bad'

Did he say something wrong?! He couldn't let the boy destroy himself anymore, it was his duty as a teacher to be careful at these kind of things. He didn't say anything wanting to hurt him, then why Shinsou looked so shocked?

His voice was cracking.


'Do you think I am lying?'

'Thank you.' 


Word count: 1077

I am sorry for the entire change of perspective thing, I hope this is still readable <3

~𝑰 𝒔𝒘𝒆𝒂𝒓 𝑰 𝒍𝒊𝒗𝒆𝒅~  (𝒅𝒂𝒅𝒛𝒂𝒘𝒂 + 𝒎𝒐𝒎𝒎𝒂𝒅𝒂)Where stories live. Discover now