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Jonathan watched over her the entire night. The girl it seemed was having nightmares all night. Jonathan couldn't blame her though. He had given her a strong dose of toxin. He just hoped that she survived. He needed her. She was important. No. His little nightmare wouldn't die. She would survive this and she would come out so much stronger for it.

It was mid day when Julia woke up. "You're awake" came the calm voice of her captor.

"Please. Will you untie these restraints?" She asked.

" will you promise not to run away? "

"If I did where would I go. You will track me down."

"That is true I suppose. Very well I'll let you off of the bed." He said as he losened her restraints. " there you go"

Julia sat up rubbing her wrist. "Thank you."

"Are you hungry"

"So you're going to feed me. Thought you didn't care about your test subjects."

Jonathan sat on the bed and placed a hand on her cheek. "You are so much more than a test subject Julia"

oh whys that"

"I am capable of feeling human emotion Julia. You will see in time."

" how long are you planning on keeping me here"

"Until you willingly stay."

" what makes you think I will ever be with you"

"Because you and I are very similar"

"No we arnt"

"You too hear a voice just as I once did. Embrace her Julia. It's easier if you did"

Julia was stunned. How did he know about her? Then it clicked. She must of told him while under his toxin. "It's not the same"

"Why must you live in denial Julia"

"I I'm not" she stuttered though deep down she knew it was true. She was in complete denial that she also had a split personality.

"Now would you like something to eat or not. I don't have much."

" Sure" she replied.

Jonathan got up and headed out the room leaving Julia alone with her thoughts.

Let me talk to that prick.  Came the voice in her mind.

"Please just leave me alone" she replied back inside her mind.

I can protect you Julia. You just have to let me.

"No. I know the kinds of things you want to do"

Julia just give in to me. You know you want to. Ever since he became your patient you wanted nothing more than to be with him. He understands you. Understands us.

"No that's not true."

You can't hold me back anymore Julia.

A few minutes later Jonathan returned with a glass of water and a ham sandwich. "How are you feeling" he asked.

"Dr. Jonathan Crane" she replied with a wicked grin. "It's so nice to finally meet you"

Autophobia *Jonathan Crane*Where stories live. Discover now