Chapter Sixteen

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I spent three hours at this lady's house. Who, I found out, does have a name. Lilian. For some reason, it fits her well. 

We talked about a lot. I learned a lot about her, too. 

For example, she lives alone. She was married, but seven years ago her husband passed due to a stroke, leaving behind Lilian, along with their two kids. It was a sad story, really. The kids left her alone in the huge house she lives in. She told me she got into a good bit of money thanks to her job, her husband, and her parents. It must be nice. My dad left me nothing.

She told me about her son and daughter, how they're getting on with their lives, and only call once a month. It made me sad to think they'd leave her like this. 

Also, her dog's name is Ruby. 

Anyway, she invited me over again tomorrow, but I told her it might have to be next week. I didn't know what was in store for me until then, and I had to give myself some time.

After leaving her house, I go to the plaza to buy my new phone. The sun came out, and it's getting ridiculously hot. I hate the heat. 

I'm walking up to the phone store when a car speeds around the corner and cuts in front of me, barely missing me. "Hey, watch it!" I yell, throwing my hands up as I watch them zoom away. 

Shaking my head, I walk up and open the door to the store. The cold air hits me and I exhale. It feels great in here. 

A young man greets me, probably my age or older. He asks how he could help me, and I tell him I'd like to speak to Rico. 

Rico has been my friend since... like forever. He's helped me out a lot over the years, and I could probably never repay him. 

"Lee-Lee!" Rico calls out when he walks into the store from a back room. I can't help but grin; he's the only one who's ever called me that. "My girl, how you been?" He asks, pulling me into a bear hug. 

I let out a winded laugh and hug him back. He lets me go and I smile again. "I've been...I can't complain," I answer and shrug.

He cocks an eyebrow at me and shakes his head. "Max better be behaving or I'll take his ass to get fixed today," He kids. We both know the man problem in my life has nothing to do with Max. Not that Rico really knows about Nick, either. He just knows I have problems with a certain guy in my life. He especially doesn't know I'm related to said man. That's okay though, it's better that way.

I smirk. "Yes, I'm sure you would. Max is fine." I say, nodding. Rico laughs again. He has one of those laughs that kind of lights up the room, you know?

Rico is 23-years-old, still lives in his mom's basement, works here at this phone store every day besides Sunday's- which are reserved for church, is Mexican-American, and loves Jello. He has very dark hair, which ruffles around his face. He has dark brown eyes, along with a bit of a mustache that he's been trying to grow since his 21st birthday. He has an amazing personality. Unlucky for him, not the kind that has every girl drooling over him, though. He's more of a..."I'm forever in the friend-zone" kind of guy. Which he probably will be- at least with me.  Long story short, he hates relationships, says he never wants kids, etc.

"So, what can I do for you today?" He asks me, leaning against the counter beside us. I tell him I broke my phone, pulling it out of my back pocket and handing it to him. 

He whistles, turning it over. "What the hell did you do? Pound it with a hammer? Geez, girl." He mutters. I bite my lower lip. I wish I could say that's what happened. Oopsie! I trashed my phone, haha. My bad! Not, Oh, yeah, my psychotic brother got pissed I had attention from another guy and destroyed my phone. 

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