Chapter Nineteen

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When I wake up, I'm not in my bed. I'm also not in Dom's bed.

It's so bright. The light- Can someone please turn it off? My head is pounding. I can't even open my eyes all the way, it hurts to try.

My head, it hurts so bad. What is happening to me?

Darkness overcomes me again and I groan internally. I had too many questions to pass out again.

The next time I wake up, I'm sitting in... grass? Why am I outside? It's so pretty, I'm in front of a pond or something. Ducks are swimming across it and I can hear the sound of birds and insects all around me.

I don't recognize where I am. I look around and don't see anyone near me- or anything, for that matter. All I see is grass and trees and sky. I stand up. My head feels fine now. I don't feel anything, really.

"There's my little girl!" Wait, there's no way... Am I dreaming? I turn around and see where the voice came from.


"W-What?" I hear myself say quietly. He just grins. Standing about 10 feet from me, I can fully make out his face. I walk closer to him, stopping close enough that he's within arm's reach. I tentatively reach out, my fingers trailing along his cheek. He's really here?

"Hey, I've missed you," He says, and his eyes water. I didn't realize till now that I'm crying. Tears are streaming down my face. I leap into his arms, hugging him.

I pull back for a moment after hearing his laugh. "How are you here?" Right as I ask, the thought hits me. "Oh, my g- Am I dead?" I ask, feeling pale.

He laughs again and shakes his head. "Of course not, Calleigha. You're a very strong girl. Very strong. It'll take more than a hit to head to kill you," He says in a joking manner. I see the smile fade from his face. "I'm so sorry, C, about Nick's habit. We all know he got it from me. I should have never gotten him into it, look what he's become," He says, his voice fading as he goes on.

I shake my head and look back out across the pond. "No, Dad, it isn't your fault. It was hard on both of us, you and Mom both.." I say, then stop. I still can't bring myself to say it.

"Well, listen. Come with me," My dad says, taking my hand in his, as he leads me up a grassy hill. I tell him everything that he's missed since he's been gone and we share memories that we have together.

Once we get over the hill a bright red, plaid tablecloth catches my eye and I smile. There's a wicker basket on it, with food peeking out.

My family and I use to always go on Sunday picnics. That all stopped, of course, after my mom's passing.

When we reach the tablecloth, we sit down and I sigh. "I miss you guys, Dad. I miss you, I miss Mom." I pause, thinking. "Can I see her, too?" I ask.

"Who me? I've been with you all along," I hear my mom say from behind me. This is when I really start to cry. She hugs me so tight I think I might pop like a balloon- but I don't pull away. Her hugs are the best. I've missed them too much.

A few minutes later and we're seated in a little circle, too happy to even eat. After we've talked about our pasts and fun times and how much I wish they were still alive and with me, I ask the question that's been on my mind since I got here, "What am I doing here- and where is here?"

My parents both smile, confusing me all the more. My mom is the one that starts to explain. "Well, C, you're here because some things happened. You're not in very good health right now and this is your body's way of helping you through your pain. You're strong, very strong, Calleigha, but you have a lot you will have to work through, push through, to make it out. We understand how many struggles life has given you, but if we taught you one thing, it's to never give up. On yourself, or anyone." She nods slowly.

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