Chapter Ten

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The rest of my night was spent in bed with Max at my feet. I kept wondering if Dom understood me, or even heard me when I'd promised him. I think he did, I was pretty sure I'd seen him smile before he turned to walk away. 

I ended up falling asleep before I'd even gotten back up to brush my teeth or let Max out to pee. I'm usually good at sticking to that. This week has been rough, though, and it's fucking up my mental schedule. 

When I wake up the next morning, I make myself some breakfast. Eggs, of course. Max sits patiently until I give him some of his own, which he happily eats. I smile as I watch him gobble up the scrambled eggs from the bowl on the ground.

I haven't heard from or seen Nick, which was extremely surprising. It's been almost 24 hours since he's talked to me, and it's making me wonder what he's been doing.

I was pretty eager for Dom to come today. I didn't know when, so I got ready right after I ate. The last few times he's seen me I've probably looked like crap, and I was grateful that he didn't gag and turn away just from that. 

So, anyway, now I shower, do my hair, put some mascara on, and dress decent enough to where I don't look like a bum, but also don't look like I'm going to some steakhouse for dinner.

Mm, steak.

I let Max out into the backyard, and then I go to chill on the couch, propping my feet up on the living room table. There wasn't much I could do. I don't pay for cable tv since I usually just watch Netflix... on the phone I no longer have. 

I needed to get that fixed. Maybe I should get one and not let Nick know. Then he can't call or text or go through it. 

I make a mental note to go do that tomorrow. I have a friend that works as a retailer for a phone company, and I knew she'd make it easy for me to get what I want.

I hear a knock at the front door, so I hop up to go and open it. When I do, I'm greeted by Dom. He's holding a bouquet of flowers, and I smile, blushing. He's so damn sweet. 

I let him in, stepping aside. I wonder why I don't care as much as I did the past couple of days. Fuck Nick. This is easy.

He sneaks a kiss on my cheek as he walks by, making my cheeks heat up again. I hear him smirk, and I shake my head as I follow him to the living room.

We sit on the couch and talk for a bit. We talk about everything and anything, it's really nice. I wish he could, like, move in and never leave. 

We order Chinese food for dinner once it's almost 6:00. When I realized the time, I almost scoffed. Dom has been here for a few hours already, and it's only felt like minutes. 

The Chinese man was confused for no reason when I placed the order, which is why the knock at the front door half an hour later wasn't exactly unexpected. It usually took them forever anyways. I get up and unlock the door, pulling it open.

I silently gape at the man before me as he shoves past me and into my house. "Where the fuck is he?" Nick shouts down me, rushing into the house without waiting for my response. 

I step back, stuttering and following him quickly. I almost trip over my own feet as I do. What the fuck, am I always this fucking pathetic?

Dom was already standing when Nick barged into the living room and gets up in his face. Nick stands at almost 6 feet, but Dom beats him by an inch or two. 

"What the fuck are you doing here with Cal?" Nick growls, and I stand in the doorway, trembling as I look over at the two men- who are really the only two men in my life.

Dom scoffs, and shoves Nick back, out of his face. "I don't know why you care, asshole, fuck off. She fucking hates your guts." He mutters, clearly unthreatened by Nick. If only I wasn't, either. 

Nick is beyond pissed now, and he begins to throw several punches towards Dom's nose, jaw, fucking everywhere. I cry out and end up covering my face with my hands for a moment before I can't handle not watching. This is exactly what I didn't want to happen.

Dom staggers back a bit when one of Nick's punches meets his face, but when he regains his composure, he's angrier than I've ever seen him. If it wasn't the situation we were in right now, I'd be scared of him, too.

Dom had blocked or dodged most of Nick's throws, but now he was beginning to get aggressive, too. 

I watch and see Dom throw a hard punch and lands it right at Nick's nose, which causes Nick to groan and hold the bridge of it. It's bleeding, but he wipes the blood with his sleeve. 

First of all, disgusting. Second of all, did he have to do this on my nice floors? I'd be scrubbing this shit for days when they finish. 

I always get sidetracked when I'm scared, and right now I'm terrified. What will stop the fight? Surely not me. I'm nothing compared to the two of them.

I can hear Max going apeshit from my room, where I'd stuck him so we could eat our food in peace- which still isn't here. Not that it matters now. I doubt Dom would ever even look at me again after this fight.

They kept at it for almost 20 minutes, and I had started to cry after neither of them looked like they'd give up. 

They broke vases, knocked everything off my living room table, and both have blood on their faces or clothes. It was a fucking mess. 

I walk into the foyer, pacing for a moment as the grunts and yells continue from the other room. I open the door, wanting to go anywhere but here, when I hear silence, and then a click. 

I frown, and walk back to the living room, just as I see Nick, laying below Dom, pointing a gun up at him. I scream, but it's drowned out by the gunshot as Nick pulls the trigger. 

When I wake up, I'm still screaming. 

*     *     *

Sorry, this was a shorter chapter, but I felt it was necessary :)

I hope you enjoyed it! Vote and comment :)

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