03: parties and spells

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Two years later

Today is one of the most important day for the pack
The Luna ceremony
And I hated it
It has been two years since Dante rejected me
And my life went down hill from there

First mother died
She couldnt bear the pain anymore she gave up the ghost
She is in heaven with dad

And since the rejection wierd things have been happening
Apparently Dumbo Dante didn't reject me the proper way

Guess there is a time for rejection, during a full moon and I have to reciprociate it

The moon goddess accepts the rejection if it is reciprocated and grants a "second chance mate"

But I never reciprocated the rejection saying these words
"I Irina Luciana powers accepts your rejection"
And it wasn't done on any of those terms
Not under a full moon
Not in mid night
Not in the first day of every month

So tragically we are still mates and we have the connection

A week after "the rejection" every night I had this burning sensation all over my body and it will last for a long time leaving terrible blisters all over my body

When I ask my mother she said that happens when your mate has sexual intercouse with another person

And Dante was extremely active

I used a spell that made the blister heal in matter if seconds but the pain always stays 
It was like you are burning in hell all the part that was touched during the intecourse hurts
I wouldn't wish for anyone to experience it
Not even Beverly

I didn't want to go to the luna ceremony and apparently it was considered treason not to go but the real treason is me being rejected

"Your just being sore".. Ara said
"Shut up".. I said
"Oh poor irina powers got rejected" she sang
"We got rejected, WE"... I said
"Whatever bye" she said blocking me I can't deal with her right now she's the definition of childish like the word childish should be replaced by Arabella in the dictionary

Well the silver moon pack has this tradition that when the Alpha turns 20 a ceromony will be held for the luna "his queen" and they will get married the next day

Simple right?

But it is not

You see girls like Beverly even if they know that the Alpha isn't their mate they would attend the ceremony with an over caked face and a princess gown
They are bunch of plastic fake bimbos.

I didn't have what to wear and if I wasn't going to be Luna, I am gonna make my presence known and act as if I don't care.

"But you do." Ada mocked
"Like I was the one who cried when we got rejected." I retorted back
"We, WE with a W! And an E!, we cried not I, but I am not the one holding a grudge am I?. She asked
"Blah blah blah." I said
"Always the childish one Irina, haha very matured." Ara said
I decided to be MATURED and not reply
"For the first time in forever, someone is matured." Ara sang to me I just eye rolled

I conjured up a dress
It was A line
V neck
Purple velvet material

I rembermed what mom told me when I was learning

"There are three ways to conjure up things, to cast spells
When you want to perform minor spells you imagine, create the image of what you want to conjure up irina, think, concentrate, you understand? "

THE ALPHAS REJECTED MATEWhere stories live. Discover now