18: Mating ceremony disaster

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Today was the day
The mating ceremony day

It was the most important time in any young wolf's life- the Mating Ceremony. It was a time that marked your transition mark from a young pup to an adult, a right of passage. Everyone looked forward to this short period of time, as it was said to be the most magical night of any young wolf's lifr

As with humans, it is an important part of social life to perform ritual ceremonies for large events such as birth, pairing ceremonies, and death. All of the following ceremonies include unusually haunting 'wolf' songs.

We warewolfs have four different ceremonys

The New Life Celebration is celebrated when it is discovered that a female in the pack is expecting. This is usually a lot like a baby shower; guests bring presents for the mother and family, as well as the unborn baby. A huge feast is held at the Alpha House, and the Alpha gives the family a special gift for the baby. The Mage chants protective magic over the mother, usually providing her with special herbs to ensure the baby to come out healthy and strong.

The Naming Ceremony is held in the forest,after a child is born. The mother and father present the child to the Alpha, who asks the blessing of the forest and moon, and the child’s name is announced to the pack. The lycan part of the pack howl their excitement through the forest, and then the pack heads back to the Alpha house to give gifts to the newly named child and have a feast in their honor.

First kill ceremony, No matter how big or small, when a wolf makes his first kill all on his own as a wolf, it is a big accomplishment. The Ceremony is held in the forest, where the killed animal is thanked for his life. Then, the animal is skinned and consumed by every member of the pack, including the one who made the kill. Some is left as an offering to the moon goddess, and then something is taken from the kill - a bone, a strip of fur, a feather, ect. - and made into some sort of pendant or bracelet or such. This is worn by the one who made the first kill throughout his life and especially during hunting as it is believed to bring luck on a hunt.

The Mating Ceremony is a combination of a human wedding ceremony and werewolf mating tradition. The Ceremony is performed in the woods, and promises are made to one another. The Alpha proclaims the pair mated to the pack, and congratulations is howled and applauded. After the Ceremony, a five-day feast is held at the Alpha house and gifts are given. There is a dance, and at the end of the five days the new mates may consummate their marriage. After, the pack goes on a hunt and presents the kill to the pair.

So today is my mating ceremony, since Dante is an Alpha is a little different, first we meet at the great hall then a pack elder legalizes the marriage then the forest thing

"You look amazing Irina." Lora said and Sandra and Zoey nodded

Well mostly Sandra

There was a knock on the door and it was Loretta that replied

"Who is it?" she asked

"Its Dante." Well...... Dante replied

"Who else." Ara said

"You can't come in its bad luck to see the bride before the wedding I mean mating ceremony." Lora said

"I came to give her this." He said

She opened the door in a way that only her could see Dante and he could see her only

"Do you realize that I'm your Alpha?" He asked

"Do you realize Irina is my Bestie." She said

Classic Lora

By this time Dante already left

"He said I should give you this." She said handing me a card with heart design in a black envelope with the initials

Dante Black

"My princess, ive always loved you, and always will Every bad situation will have something positive. Even a dead clock shows correct time twice a day, today marks a new era for us."

I didn't know what the day will bring but I know one thing

I fucking love Dante Black


After all my makeup and hair makeover is over I feel satisfied, my hair is pulled back in a clean queen like blond bun, with golden pin, my makeup is very light to Loretta dismay who wanted bold, it was just a simple and I loved it

But loretta went wild with her makeup, I love her thick brows, loud eyeshadow and red lips, she truly looks like the bride


"We are gathered her to withness the joining of our Alpha and Luna in a holy matrimony." The pack elder said

The whole pack was present and I didn't even care who approved and who didn't approve, I was marrying the love of my life......  Well in the
Warewolf way

"Do you Alpha Dante Black take Irina Powers as your wolf-fully mated wife, to have and to hold, till death do you part." The elder asked Dante

"I do." He said without hesitation

"Do You Irina Powers take Alpha Dante Black  as  your wolf-fully mated husband, to have and to hold, till death do you part? " The elder asked again

"I do."

"You may now kiss the bride."

"Yeahhhhh." Some wolves started chanting as the elder put the rings on us and leaned in to kiss me

"Kiss her, kiss her." People stated chanting

Before he could kiss me an arrow just came through, I pushed him off and it just touched my skin

I knew what it is made up


I felt a burn in m skin and I yelled in pain

I realized what was happening they might be more

"Everyone take cover." I yelled

Before I could take a breath a wolfsbane bomb exploded killing ⅞ of the wedding guest

Dante picked up the arrow and it had something written on it I went to look

"Black moon pack."

The same one that killed my father and his, his eyes Turned red of Anger

"We are going to war."

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