10: Legends

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Once upon a time there lived a king named lycoan, he ruled over the land of Arcadia and had thousand of men and woman under his command, his palace was filled with gold, fine food and elaborate works but he couldn't fine love.

One day king lycoan was hunting in the forest and came across a small lake as he approched he saw a lady sitting on the lake singing.
Her song was full of longing, drawn by her words king lycoan dismounted from his horse to approach her. When the woman turned to her face, her incredible beauty sturk him.

"My lady your song is so beautiful yet so depressing please tell me what you wish and I will do everything in my power to solve it, but first tell me your name"... He said

"You may call me fortuna my lord,I am distressed because I fear I may never find a man to love, my father is too strict".. She said

By that time the king has fallen deeply for fortuna

"He will certainly not deny a king, who is your father? ".. The king asked
"Jupiter, king of gods".. She said
"My my ".. The king exclaimed

The king invited Jupiter to the palace
oan did seem to anger Jupiter more

Jupiter knew about Lycoan anger issues and and disgraced him
As revenge the king made a meal of human flesh and serves it to Jupiter
When Jupiter found out he turned Lycoan into a hideous creature a wolf
Hoping fortuna will forget about him

Juno, the wife of Jupiter saw the distress of Lycoan and helped him
She lifted the curse but there is a condition if Lycoan loses his temper he would be a wolf forever

Lycoan and fortuna lived happily untill one day Lycoan lost his temper and turned to a wolf

Fortuna ran to her mother but she was pregnant
Thus the first Warewolf was born

Intresting so wares are curses I thought we were blessings
I waited and Dante is yet to come

I looked into the book it talks about the history of kings and queens

I just started talking to Arabella

"So we are a curse"... I said
"You mean you are"... She replied
"Can't we have a conversation without arguing? "... I askes
"Ok let's talk no fights"... She said
"No fights"... I said

"So what do you think about Loretta? "... I asked
"She's nice and I like her"... Ara said
"Wait you Arabella, like someone damn girl"... I said sarcastically
"Yh yh"... She said

"Yesterday you remebered the spell".... I asked
"I'm knowledgeable duh!! "... She said
I rolled my eyes

"Why is Dante this late? "... I asked Ara
"How am I suppose to know Irina I'm just stuck in your head"... She said, she said my name in a mocking way that made me chuckle

"I thought you were knowledgeable. And you can pop out whenever you want"... I said

We started arguing
We argued for what felt like and hour till Dante showed up

I tried to hide my excitement and just frown

"What took you so long"... I askes
"I'm sorry we had a serious emergency"... He said
"What's that".. I asked
"A witch casted a very powerful protection spell on the pack house and I wanted to know who and why".. He said

Oppsie I forget to mention it
"Yh you did"... Ara said
"Whatever miss obvious"... I replied
She hissed

"That was me"... I said with a dead laughter
He looked shocked
"And why".. He asked
"Yesterday night a crawler attacked me so I killed it and did the spell"... I said

"A fucking what".. He said
"Crawler"... I replied sarcastically, which his looked shower he didn't find it funny
"How did you kill it, not all Warewolves can kill a crawler"
"I used a spell".. I said
"You are a powerful witch Irina"
"Thanks"... I said blushing

"Well about the legend"... He said
"Not all Alphas know about it and I want you to keep this a secret"... He said
"I will"

"Well believe it or not Alphas wasn't always there, the ware communities were ruled by kings and queen and that time the necromancers went to war with wolfs".
I nodded

"The necromancers are power hungry creatures without souls, when evil is in your heart it eats you up, they wanted to take over the ware community and they poisoned the king at that time, king Dmitri, his wife Araceli"...

"Did you just say Araceli? ".. I asked
"Yes why".. He said
"I had a dream of A woman holding a baby, Alessandra, and another woman calling the baby's, Alessandra mother queen Araceli"... I said
He looked at me shocked

"That explains my hypotheses".. He said
"And that is? "... I asked
"I'll come to that let me continue the story"... He said
"Go on"... I said

"The queen gave birth soon after her husbands demise and name the child Alessanandra".

"Some versions say that Alessandra was poisoned by the necromancers others said she died of natural causes"...

"How does this concern me"
"Be patient"

"So the queen didn't take it well she said Alessandra would be reincarnated, no one heard of the queen again and the kings relatives was assigned territories and thus Alphas we're created"

"Still doesn't concern me". I eye rolled

"I have reasons to believe Alessandra reincarnated in you or queen Araceli re-mated and your a descendant which is unlikely so I go with the first."
"Me! "
"Yes you"
"Why though"
"You being a white wolf and the crawler incident"
'This dosent make sense I'm going to my room"
I said leaving

"What do you think"
"Please don't ignore me"
"Arabella please"

"Can't a wolf think in peace".. She said
"Think, you think".. I said hissing
"He's right you know that irina".. She said
"About what? "
"How are you so sure
"I am your wolf I've always been there and will always be there".. And with that she blocked me

She has never blocked me out except when we have our arguments
Which is a lot
But maybe she needs time to think

I was walking to my room and I saw Loretta

"Hi Irina, I am going to the packs training ground for a afternoon train wanna join? "

So that happened
Is irina being to hard?
And the spell is sooooo amazing
I am loving Latin
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Word count : 1071

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