15: R-18

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"What I am about to do to you will make you a woman."

"I don't know if this is normal, but my legs get weak when you kiss me." I said softly

"Are you sure about this?" He asked me.
I nodded
"Mark me Dante." I said while moaning

Without any warning he dug his canines on my neck she yelled in pain but later replaced by tears of joy with loud moans

"Every kiss from you takes me somewhere...a place without stress...a place with only happiness." He said "Just therapeutic."

"You're so pretty Irina has anyone ever told you that?" He asked and I shook my head

"Fuck, I could kiss you all day." He said as he deepened his kiss, his mouth left mine and I protested but his mouth latched on my neck, licking, kissing and sucking the mark, I lost it, I was a mess moaning his name as I could sense the smirk.

"Look Irina, if you want me to stop just say it and I swear by the goddess I will stop." He said and I groaned

Why is he being nice and gentle?

"Make me yours Dante." I said and that seemed to have driven him off the edge

Dante kissed me frantically, he carried me up like I was a piece of paper and placed me on the bed we both giggled

"You smell nice." I said sniffling his shirt

He towered me like a predator eying his prey and I smiled, he lowered his gaze, his eyes roaming my body and I felt a wave of insecurity and I hand went to cover my breast, Dante noticed and removed my hand

"You are perfect, every part of you, now let's get you out of this dress." He said and ripped my dress like the material isn't new.

"You look wow." He said looking at me in the lingerie

Instead of tearing the piece of lace like he did my dress he gently removed it, pushed it to my belly leaving my chest bare.

Dante placed his mouth on my nibbles and damn, I thought neck kisses were great but and all but this is freaking better.

I was a moaning mess, I literally screamed and I felt like butterflies were jumping out of my body

"So responsive." He said pausing a bit

"Shut up and kiss me." I said

"So demanding." He continued talking and I groaned in frustrating

"Ok ok I'm coming." He said

His mouth left my nibbles and trailer kissed down, soon his mouth was in my stomach the he placed two pecks on my nipples he kept going down and down till his mouth was right there

"What are you doing?" I asked confused

"Shush, I know what I'm doing." He said

I didn't doubt that, I has bruises to proof that but then again it was all water under the bridge.

"I'm gonna make you feel good." He said and again I didn't doubt that he would

Or course I wasn't experienced but Dante kissed me right there and I blushed with the sudden feel of exposure

"Shush, do you trust me?" He asked and I nodded

"No I need you to use your words, do you trust me?" He asked again

"Yes I do, I do, I freaking do." I screamed out

"That's all I need to hear." He said before going beast mode

Dante sucked, licked and kissed me in the most unholy place, and I really came undone

"That's the best meal I've ever had."

I was out of breath and the look in Dante's eyes was cold and dark

I didn't even noticed I was practically naked and Dante noticed as wearing just his boxers

I traced my hand on his perfectly chiseled abs

"I'm going to make you mine now." He said and I nodded my head in approval

I love this guy

I freaking do

I really do

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