Don't Let Me Drown

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The train station is a god damn awful place.

I hate train station.

After taking forever to make the ticket lady read my notes and then another forever for her to explain that I'm not talking cause I'm deaf. Then the pity looks.
I hate the pity looks.

I held my tickets tight in my pocket of my skinny jeans and chacked the clook.

15 minutes to go.

My heart twitched a bit at the thought of today at school.

After Leyla and Kellin kissed I realized something,I'm letting myself falling in love with Kellin. And that's not good cause:

A. He's straight.

B. He has a girlfriend.

C. I have a boyfriend.

I hung up with Jaime all day and did my best to avoid Kellin. Such as in band and lunch.

Which sucked cause I can't play any instrument so I just sat there and held my hand to a big emp.

It sucked cause I had to write all day.

it sucked cause I missed Kellin.

"Hey dude... do you have anywhere to sleep tonight?" I texted Kellin and placed my phone in my pocket, looking at the passing train.

The train ride to Aboelita wasn't all that long and sure enough after one train and a bus I was knocking on Aboelita's door.

Penny,the girl who worked as her maid  opened the door. Mouthing hello to me and showing me the way to my grandma.

As I walked into her room she was knitting a hat,at the minute I step at the door her eyes lift up and they were filled with light.

She might be deaf but she can sense anything.

"Victor!" She signed and got up off her cracking bed and into my arms.

She always had her own special smell. She smiled like a flamenco dancer in an old movie,like someone took roses and let them wear them forever. Right now she smelled like roses and medicines.

Her tan skin got more wrinkled and her eyes were still big and brown. She was wearing her wood flip flops and a long red plaid dress. Her brown hair was no longer placed in a firm bun on her small head but covered in a red handkerchief. Her weak arms were warped around me tightly. And mines holding her small body.

We broke the hug to say our hello's.

My grandma only speak Spanish sign language,my parents taught me the English one.

The thing is the all time I spent with Aboelita Kellin hasn't messaged me.

And that made her Mexican Candy's a little less sweet. And she saw it.

But she didn't asked,just hugged.

And we sat a lot cause she got weaker since the last time I saw her.

And after we said our goodbye and she gave me the hat she knitted and I promised to meet her as soon as I can.

I could see the light in her brown eyes shut down again.

And it broke my heart.

And when I left Penny just looked at me with big brown eyes and mouthed:"I hope I'll see you again soon."
"I hope".

And I wished we had never left her and moved to New York.

At the moment I knew.
I knew she's not going to last that long

And even thought I tried my best to push it to the back of my mind it was clear as day.
She is going to die.
And she is going to die soon.

And I really wanted someone to be with me at those kind of moments.

And I knew Jaime isn't the right person.

So I texted him a text right before falling to my bed as waves of sadness and tears washed me. Drowning me a black world.

"I know you're mad but I really need a friend right now...
Please help me..."

Today I watched this show and went like "Omg teenagers are so cool I cant wait to be one!"
Then It hit me that I'm 16 y/o
Hope you liked it btw ❤❤

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