I Close My Eyes, And The Flashback Starts

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Virgil was sitting alone that morning, legs swinging back and forth slowly beneath the desk. The six year old was drawing, waiting for his best friend to show up for the school day.

When someone that was decidedly not Logan started talking to him, he was more than a little startled. Especially when he realized how they were talking to him.

"Your name's Virgil, right?" The large boy asked, and Virgil was about to nod before he continued. "Weird name, fitting for you, because you're weird, and not in the good way."

Virgil shrunk back into his hoodie, trying to hide his trembling hands. Gosh darn, they were only in first grade! How could kids be getting this mean already?

"Like, you have a creepy name, you never talk, you're more freckle than kid, and--"

"Hey, leave him alone!"

Suddenly, Logan was there, standing by his desk with a glare. Virgil watched one of his hands move slightly in front of him, and he immediately relaxed at the familiar presence. The boy however, laughed.

"Oh? What are you gonna do, Mr. Can't Speak Like A Normal People?"

And then Virgil started getting mad. Insulting Virgil? He could understand and let happen. Insulting Logan? Oh heck nah.

Virgil took a deep breath, ignoring the way Logan glared harder and the boy couldn't stop laughing.

It's like a bandaid. You just gotta rip it off, he thought, slowly exhaling and hoping to whatever god there was that he wouldn't stutter.

"Well excuse me Rolly Polly," Virgil said in a quick manner, trying not to trip over his words. Logan looked at him with curiousity while Rolly Polly looked surprised and kind of scared at Virgil's reaction. "But Logan does not say things wrong, and if anybody in here will say things wrong, it'll be you sir. So please, if you would kindly leave us be while you stuff animal crackers up your nose, that would be nice."

The kid just walked away, clearly terrified that Virgil could speak so much, and that it could be so biting. Logan looked a bit happy, smiling at Virgil, which he shakily returned to the seven year old.

"I haven't heawd you talk so much since Susie Shepawd said Pluto wasn't a planet."

"V-Viva La Pl-Pluto," Virgil stuttered, learning the phrase from his father. Logan sat at the desk by him, school not starting for another fifteen minutes at least.

"You'we getting bettew at not falling ovew youw wowds," Logan stated, looking proud. Virgil just shrugged before something caught his eye.

He stared down at his hand, the sleeve that normally covered his hand giving way to some freckles. Virgil bit his lip, something he did when he was thinking.

"H-Hey Logan?" Virgil watched Logan look at him from his book, gaze asking him to continue.

"A-... Am I m-more frec-ckle than k-id...?" He watched Logan's face turn to one of anger and protectiveness, shaking his head hard enough to get whiplash.

"No! You'we fweckles awe amazing and make you pwetty! You'we a lot pwettiew than any othew kid I know!"

"... Thank you Logan."

Growing Up With You [] Sanders Sides AUWhere stories live. Discover now