And My Daddy Said, "Stay Away From Juliet!"

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Virgil hid behind Logan as they entered the high school, not liking the crowd of teenagers one bit. They didn't even make it ten steps in before somebody was hugging Virgil, making him jump. Logan continued on, not noticing Virgil's current predicament.

"Hi I'm Patton! Be my friend!" The person hugging him said, more of a statement than a question, and Virgil really wished Logan was there, but by now he was lost in the sea of teenagers.

"Okay," Virgil said quietly, and Patton looked at him surprise.

"Wait, really?"

"Sure," Virgil shrugged, and the boy whooped before grabbing his hand and dragging him in the opposite direction Logan went, and oh boy now his hands were trembling.

"Awesome! I only have one other friend sadly, but he's amazing! You have to meet him!"

Virgil let himself be dragged until they were in the corner of the gym, where a teen was tapping away on his phone with a bored look.

"Janus!" Patton called as they neared and the teen- Janus, looked up. He did a double take once he saw Virgil though. "I made a friend!"

"Really?" Janus asked, putting his phone away and giving Virgil a once over, making Virgil's hands shake more as he smiled. Janus stuck his hand out, which Virgil took. "I'm Janus, your local liar."

"Virgil, the anxious mess," Virgil smiled back, shaking the hand before stuffing his hands in his pockets. Something about these two rang a bell in Virgil's head, but he couldn't quite place it.

"We have a new friend!" Patton cheered, and he and Janus high-fived. That's when it hit Virgil. They were like him and Logan, not expecting to get friends.

Well that wouldn't do at all.

"How about I i-introduce you to my friends?" Virgil asked, resisting the urge to look away when they looked at him. "I'm sure they'd love you. More chaotic people for Logan to deal with."

Virgil's eyes widened.

"Oh dear, Logan's probably having a breakdown without me. Come on, we better find them," Virgil said, grabbing Patton and Janus's hands before tugging them where Logan was originally going, glancing around trying to find them.

"Why would Logan be having a breakdown?" Janus asked, looking around to help Virgil even though he didn't know what they looked like. Virgil chuckled nervously.

"Logan's a bit... Protective, of me."

"Why?" Patton asked this time, now joining in the search.

"I don't know. Probably because we've known each other for a m-majority of our lives. Also, I get scared pretty easily," Virgil said, letting go of Patton and Janus as they stopped, huffing. "Where are they? Roman and Remus should be easy to find, at least."

When there was sudden shouting, Virgil flinched, and Patton and Janus looked over to the area where it was coming from. Virgil sighed, grabbing them and pulling them towards the loud sounds.

"Where there's ruckus, there's Royals," he said loud enough for only Patton and Janus to hear. They eventually found the source of the noise, which wasn't the twins surprisingly, but Logan.

"WHAT IF HE GOT KIDNAPPED?!" Logan shouted in worry, and Virgil let go of his new found friends, beckoning them to follow. Virgil walked up behind Logan, the twins noticing him right away.

"Logan," Roman tried to say, pointing at Virgil as he snuck up on the tallest.


"Nerd," Remus said this time also pointing at Virgil. Virgil smiled as Logan ignored them both, too caught up in his worry.

"A bit protective?" Janus whispered to him, obviously holding in laughter.

"Maybe a lot..." Virgil whispered back, smiling awkwardly at Janus before continuing approaching. The twins kept trying to point out Virgil to Logan to no avail until Virgil was directly behind Logan.

Virgil debated his options, figuring if Logan didn't hear the twins, Logan wouldn't hear him, leaving the best option. Virgil wrapped his arms around Logan, getting him to cut off his rant.

"I bring new friends!" He said, gesturing to Patton and Janus.

"VIRGIL! Oh thank Crofters you're okay! Are you hurt? Did something happen?" Logan turned around, checking Virgil for injuries, which he let happen, listening to the laughs of his friends with a huff. Honestly, despite how many times this has happened, Virgil thrived in the attention of his crush.

"I'm okay. I bring new friends," Virgil said, wiggling out of Logan's grip and pulling Patton and Janus closer.

The first day of middle school may have been strange, but the first day of high school was even stranger.

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