Part 4

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^Teahyung's outfit^

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^Teahyung's outfit^

^Teahyung's outfit^

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^Yoongi's outfit^ (I found this so adorable when I found it, because like, look at that little one. He is going to get all of the girls when he grows up.)

Yoongi was handsome. I felt heat rising on my cheeks. "Are you alright? You're looking a bit red." "I-I'm fine. It's just that your outfit looks good on you." "Same with yours." I just got more red. Great. " Can we just go to the cafe already?" He nodded and grabbed his keys for us to go. I followed him out to where his car was parked.

^This is Yoongi's car by the way^

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^This is Yoongi's car by the way^

I got in on the passenger's side as he started the car. We started to drive to the city. "I have one more place for us to go, but it will be later in the day, light?" " Yeah, but what type of cafe are we going to go to first." "That is going to be a surprise." Great. I hate surprises. As we continue to the cafe, I stare outside of the car window. We enter the city of Seoul after like a 10 minute drive and made the way to a small little cafe. He parked outside of a place called the Cats' Playground. We walked in and then I saw it was a cat cafe. "Awwww. Yoongi, you are the best." I looked behind me at where he was standing, and now his face was red. We both went and ordered our drinks. I got a green tea matcha, while he got an americano. After we ordered, we went to sit down in the cat area, and I started to play with them. I noticed after a while, that he was recording me while I played with the cats. So, I decided to smile and wave at him. He quickly covered his face with his other hand as his face started to heat up. A little bit later, our drinks came, and we started to drink them. I finished my drink first and started to play with the cats again. He finishes not too long after me, and he gets up to pay. I get up too, and put a little bit of money in the tip jar. "It is the best I can do since you are paying for me okay?" "Fine" Wow. I thought he would get pissed at me for doing that. We left the cafe and started to roam around the city. We stopped for lunch and I got to pay for that. It was getting near sunset when we got onto a bus, which I did not know why. He had a bag of food for the both of us. We got off of the bus after about 30 minutes to the top of the mountain. Once we were off of the bus, it was already sunset. It was beautiful. I went up to the railing and looked out into the city. We started to head up towards the tower. We go to the elevator and go to the top floor. Once we exited the elevator and walked outside. It was a beautiful view from uptop. I went to the railing to see if I could find our apartment or even the car, but I couldn't. Yoongi walked up next to me and handed me a sandwich that we got earlier in the day. We both ate our sandwiches, then looked out into the city. I felt a pair of lips press onto my check and I look who it was. It was Yoongi, of course. I looked down to see what he was holding and it was a padlock and a marker. "Would you like to be my boyfriend Taehyung?" "Yes!!" We shared a passionate kiss after that. We both put our names onto the padlock and hooked it up onto the railing with all of the others that were there and threw away the key for eternal love. There was only like 30 minutes left until the tower closed so we made it back down and to the bus stop where we got off. Not too long after, the bus arrived and we got on to head to the car. Today was really fun, and I enjoyed it. We got back to the apartment and I was already nodding off into sleep. Yoongi probably noticed this and came to my side of the car and picked me up. "W-what?" "We are back at the apartments, I saw that you are tired so I just decided to come and carry you back up to our apartment." I just hummed in repay because I was too tired to care about anything. The next thing I know is that I let the darkness of sleep take over me. I wake up in the morning again in Yoongi's bed. It wasn't as warm as yesterday, but I still enjoyed it. I got up and saw that Yoongi wasn't in the bed so I got up and left the room. I wandered to the kitchen to find a note on the table saying that he was going out for a bit to get some more food for the house. I went back to our room, and got ready to go take a shower. 


843 Words

Hey guys. So, Namsan is a real place in Korea. It is also called Seoul Mountain. The padlock stuff is true too. I stayed up about 2 hours doing research for this chapter, plus I ran out of ideas again for it. I first came up with ideas at a 8 year old birthday party, then forgot it all by the time I got home. I also to go to work today so it took a while to get this up. See you guys in the next chapter.

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