Part 10

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I start making brunch for the three of us. I put on the radio right before I started. As I was cooking Yoongi woke up and came down to the kitchen. "Smells nice." He says as he hugs me from behind me. He gave me a small kiss on the back of my neck. I leaned back into him. "Hmmm.... Can you please wake up Angle. Food is almost done." Yoongi nods and gives a quick kiss before heading to the bedroom to wake up Cheonsa. Just as I finished up the food, both of the males came walking into the kitchen. Cheonsa sat at the table as Yoongi helped me get the food and myself to the table. While we ate, we talked and laughed. After  we ate, Cheonse had to go. Yoongi quickly grabbed something for him to wear that he didn't mind that it didn't get returned. Cheonsa got dressed, we said our goodbyes, and then it was just me and Yoongi. "Hey. Yoonie."
"Hmmm." He replied to me, not noticing that I gave him a new nickname.
"Whatcha wanna do. I'm bored, and I don't feel like recording anymore." He probably knows what I am saying since I am literally sitting on him facing his handsome face. He grabs the remote for the tv and turns it on. "What new show do you want to watch since we finished the last one." I start thinking of an anime that I really want to watch that we haven't because we do binge watch a lot of anime. "Can we watch Yuri on Ice please"
"Sure I always wanted to watch that anime, but haven't gotten the chance to." I nod because I did too. I turn around to face the tv and snuggle closer to Yoongi. As we were watching, I started to hear rain drops hitting the window. Today is a rainy day, and I love rainy days. One of the reasons why I like rainy days is because the rain gives off a calming environment. I grabbed the blanket that was at the end of the couch and wrapped it around the two of us and went back to watching the show. After a few minutes, I heard our phones go off. We both looked at our phones to see a group chat the Cheosna had made. Hey guys! I just got back to my apartment. Thanks for having me over and have a great rest of your day. We both were glad that he got home safely. Yoongi texted him back because I continued to watch Yuri on Ice. After about an hour later, I. Got up to get some food. Once I got to the fridge I opened it up to see we were low on food. I sighed as I closed the door. Yoongi paused the show, got up and came over to me. "What's worng babe?" He asked me in a calm tuning voice, as I leaned back into him.
"We are out of food and I am gonna go out to get more." I replied to him as I got out of his warmth, immediately missing it. I first go. To our room to get change out of the pj's that I still had on from earlier, and dressing for the rain. I got up and headed for the door where my boyfriend was standing by the door with me rain boots and an umbrella. I grabbed the boots first. "Do you want me to come with you?" I spoke my head as I finished putting on my boots. I got up, grabbed the umbrella, and kissed his check. "I promise I will be fine. If anything happens I will send you my location. Okay?" I know he is worried about me, especially if Angle did tell him what happened between the two of us in the past and he is in town. "Alright. Promise, but just be very careful."
"I will." I gave him a quick kiss as I grabbed my keys and headed to the bus stop. Unlike Yoongi, I do not drive a vehicle. I always preferred riding the bus, walking, or riding my bike. I put my earbuds in and started to listen to some music. I put on the album Kid Krow by Conan Gray. I got onto the bus and sat in the back like I normally do. After about 3 songs, my stop came up. I got up and went to the doors in the middle. When the bus stopped, I got off and went towards the store. As I approached the store, I saw someone who looked familiar, but I ignored it. I walked into the store despite my name being called out. Once I grabbed my cart, the person who was calling my name turned me around. I was surprised. The face of my ex, Lee Chan. I just have to act like I don't know him. "Ummm. Hi? Do I know you?" I ask him clueless. 
"Oh. Sorry. I thought you were someone else." He tells me. I hum and get back to getting my cart. "Oh. Umm. I am Lee Chan by the way. I was wondering if you can help me around this store. It has changed so much since the last time I was here." He asks me as I put in my quarter. 
"Oh. Um. Sorry. I have to get back to my family. They worry if I am gone for too long, especially my lover." I tell him. I grab my cart and start heading into the store. "Then they are a keeper. I wish I was like that. My old lover, the one I thought you were. I should have treated them better, but I didn't and I regret it. Go back home to your family and treat your lover the way he treats you." He tells me as he leaves. Maybe he did change. It has been a long time since we were together. 

1001 words

Hey guys. So I have finally did 1 out of the 3 parts I told you about. Sorry it took a while. I had to deal with thing.

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