Destroying London- Sean Wallace (1)

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My first ever requested image!! This is for you Lady_Hybrid   🖤

Positive, Positive, Positive.
All 3 pregnancy tests are positive.

"Shit, Fuck" tears welled up in my eyes as I keep myself from choking out a sob. How are we going to handle a baby top of Finn's death? I slam my fist down on the marble counter, cutting my knuckles in the process.
' I can't do this, we can't do this, this can't be happening, not now' I mumbled mixed with a choked down sob.
I let myself lean over the marble countertops looking in the mirror while brushing my hair out of my face. I hear heavy footsteps making their way up to the bedroom, I quickly grab all three tests and hide them in the cupboard underneath the sinks, going back to my original position leaning over the counter top and taking a deep breath, wiping my eyes before the loud knock echoes throughout the bedroom and the ensuite.
"babe?" Sean called out as I steady my breathing.
"Eden open the door, I can hear you crying from the other room" he says calmly, I take one last deep breath as I slowly open the door. "Yeah?" I question with a small smile. He pushes the door open gently with his right hand while leaning on the door frame.
"i can see right through you always could, always will, what's wrong?" He says as he picks me up.
"ahhh put me down" i laughed, with my arms around his neck not moving as he puts me down on the counter. "there's that gorgeous smile and laugh I love" he says was placing a soft kiss on my forehead. "Now tell me what's got you all upset today" he says more serious. "Everything's just catching up to me I guess, Finn's death, I've just been thinking about how he'll never be able to meet our children or see us get married" I say with a childlike voice trying not to burst into tears again. Sean strokes the hair out of my face and lightly presses kisses to my forehead " I know baby, but will get through it we always do" showing whispers lightly. " i'm sorry, I know you've got stuff to deal with, you don't need to be up at with me" I softly smile as I put my hands on his neck and push his face down to look in my eyes.
"okay, how about this, I'll go downstairs and get some more work done, you jump in the shower and I'll come back up in a few hours and we can have a movie night, how does that sound princess?" He says was looking directly into my eyes. " okay sounds good" i lightly laugh and press a kiss to his lips. I hear his footsteps leading away down the stairs,, I jump off the counter top and take a shower.

(Later that Night)

Lying in bed next to Sean always makes me feel safe, His soft snores bring me out of my trance, my head on his chest listening to his breathing. I slowly and quietly unwrap myself from his waist without trying to wake him. I walk into the bathroom, taking deep breaths preparing myself as I quickly Change into a pair of black jeans and one of Sean's jumpers. I grab my bag with about two months of clothes in just in case, I know I shouldn't be running from this but I can't put all this stress on Sean.

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