Chapter 13

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*Short Chapter*

Unknown POV

"Boss I have eyes on the target" I said as soon as he answered the call.

"Good. We will be executing the plan soon" my boss responded in gruff voice.

"Remind me again why you need this girl so badly?" I asked, even though it was none of my business.

"She humiliated me in public and I will not let the shit slide. I want my revenge" he seethed through the phone.

You will have your revenge."

"Of course I will. Because you won't fail, now will you? You know what will happen if you fail" he stated coldly.

"How can I forget?" I gritted out through clenched teeth sarcastically.

"Do you remember the plan?"

"You'll attack the mansion as a diversion. I'll pretend to protect the girl, get her out of the house and take her safely to you" I responded in a bored tone.

"Oh, before I forget, you daughter says hi" he replied. I could picture that sadistic smile on his face right now.

"Don't you dare lay a hand on her?" I threatened as he hung up the phone on me.

"Fuck!" I exclaimed in frustration.

Fuck. Fucking shit.

Okay so this bitch really did a number on him. She looked like the type to cause trouble and so far she has proven me right.

She had managed to escape from a warehouse full of armed men. She has even broken everything she could get her hands on and Emilio still refused to end the bitch.

Sometimes I think he thinks with his dick more than how he thinks with his brain. He has a loose cannon running about his house stirring up trouble around every corner.

The only reason why I was willing to go along with this sick bastard's plan was because he had a target on my four year old daughter.

Who the fuck uses an innocent child as leverage?

Now I was forced to betray the man that everyone feared.

Emilio Moretti.

Just his name alone, strike fear into people. Yet, here I am about to betray him to protect my child. I would do anything for my child, anything, even if it means putting my own life on the line.

I'm writing my death warrant just by even communicating with this motherfucker. Fuck.

This was a fucked up situation and it was already too late to turn back now. I couldn't tell Emilio now, because he would kill me before I even had a chance to explain.

Now all I can do is hope that everything works out and I don't end up dead in the process, leaving my child an orphan.

My daughter has already lost her mother to cancer. I can't afford for her to lose her father too.

I was sitting in my room going over the plan in my head to make sure that I calculated each step correctly. I could not afford to screw this up. One simple mistake and the whole plan could be blown to pieces.

One simple miscalculation and I might not make it out alive.

One bitch. One fucking bitch. He wants me to put my fucking life on the line for one bitch. For what?

What could this bitch have possibly done to tick off this bastard?

Getting up from the bed, I got dressed in a black shirt, black cargo pants and black combat boots.

Grabbing my gun and stuffing it in the back of my pants and covering it with my shirt, I left the room and made my way to Emilio's mansion.

This is going to be a long fucking day.

Layla (Not Edited)|✔️Where stories live. Discover now