Chapter 17

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We have been going over the plan for about an hour now and I was sure that the plan would work

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We have been going over the plan for about an hour now and I was sure that the plan would work. Everyone had their doubts about Layla, but I was sure that threatening her life would be a good enough reason for her to not fuck this up.

They were all exiting my office now, but I wasn't quite ready for Layla to leave just yet.

"Not you" I said directing my statement to Layla.

I knew that she knew I was referring to her as she came to a halt a few feet away from the door. When the last person left they closed the door behind them.

I was standing a few feet behind her, just admiring her round ass. The pants and shirt were a bit loose. She always dressed like this, which only made me want to see what was underneath all those loose clothes even more.

I wanted to see if she was as sexy as I had imagined her to be.

I took slow tantalizing steps to get to where she was. I could see her visible stiffen with each step I took. I was now right behind her, my breath fanning her exposed neck.

I moved her hair over one shoulder, exposing her slender neck. Running my fingertips along her neck, I couldn't help but press myself up against her back. Her skin was so soft and smooth that all I wanted to do was press my lips on her shoulder.

She wasn't even doing anything, but she still managed to drive me crazy. It didn't help that she also smelt so good, like vanilla, that all I wanted to do was taste her to see if she tasted as good.

She took a step from me and turned around to glare at me. I wanted to laugh at her face. Her glare was not scary at all. I knew that she feared me, but was just putting up a tough front in front of me.

"Feisty. I like it" I said with a smirk.

"Don't touch me" she let out through gritted teeth.

"Is that what you really want? Because if I remember clearly, you weren't saying that when I had my fingers buried inside you" I took a step forward with a mocking smirk, just to tick her off even more.

The more she tried to fight this, the more I wanted to fuck her.

The first time I made her come, I could tell that she was inexperienced from the way she reacted to me, and just the thought alone, made my dick twitch.


Was she?

Was she a virgin?

I've been with a virgin before and outcome was a disaster. She was so clingy, following me around like a lost puppy.

When I told her that it was just a one-time thing, she fucking lost it. She was a stalker. Everywhere I went, I saw her. I became tired of her antics, so I had to get rid of her.

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