Chapter 25

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"That can't be true

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"That can't be true. My mom died and my father abandoned me" I said shaking my head in disbelief.

"Katarina was not your mother and that asshole of a boyfriend of hers wasn't your father. She stole you from us the day after you were born" she said taking a step towards me, in which I took one step back.

"You're lying. This can't be true" I shook my head in disbelief, refusing to believe what she was saying.

"It's the truth. Your father and I had been searching for you for years and now you're finally home" she said with a smile, her eyes filled with unshed tears.

"I know it will take some time for you to see the truth, but know that we mean no harm. When we heard that you were kidnapped by that bastard, we knew we had to get you out of there where he won't be able to hurt you anymore" this time it was the man claiming to be my father that spoke.

"Hurt me? You killed him!" I exclaimed on the brink of tears.

"You are willing to defend that bastard that kept you from your own father?" he asked confused.

Now I was confused.

Did Emilio know that he was my father? And if he did, is that why he kept me alive?

Just then someone else entered the room. He looked familiar.

Where have I seen him before?

Then it hit me. He was the guy that I seduced in Italy.

Alessandro Dmitriev.

"You!" he shouted, storming in my direction.

Boris stopped him with a hand and told him to calm down.

"Alessandro, meet your sister Masha" Boris introduced him to me.


He was my brother?

I made out with my fucking brother!?

I felt sick. I can't believe that I had let my brother touch me like that.

"Si-sister" he stuttered in shock.

"Yes. Have you guys met before?" he asked confused.

"No" we both shouted at the same time.

Well that was not suspicious at all. I just hoped nobody would ask any more questions.

"You must be hungry" Irina changed the subject, leading me to the kitchen.

"So, I know you must have a lot of questions" she smiled.

"How come you didn't find me sooner if you knew that I was kidnapped? Huh? Obviously you knew where I was before that, so why now?" I asked.

"It's complicated" was her reply.

"Complicated? So you knew where I was and never came for me, you let me have to suffer all by myself" I snapped.

Layla (Not Edited)|✔️Where stories live. Discover now