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I stood in front of the mirror and stared at the girl staring back at me

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I stood in front of the mirror and stared at the girl staring back at me. She looked different from the girl I knew not so long ago. She looked happy. I was happy. I couldn't help but smile at my reflection.

Today was the day. Today was my wedding day and I couldn't be happier. Ok fine, I was crying earlier. I was having a meltdown because I was afraid to walk down the aisle and not see the love of my life. Emma had assured me a million times that he was there, and after even more convincing I eventually calmed down.

I was wearing a long white dress that fitted me perfectly. It was a lacey off the shoulder dress that flowed behind me. My makeup was done to perfection and my hair was in a low bun with a few stray strands to frame my face.

"You're on in ten minutes" someone shouted from outside the door. At that I began panicking. I don't even know why I was panicking.

"Oh my god!" I panicked, pacing around the room.

"Breathe Layla, breath" Emma and Avery tried to help me calm down.

I had contacted my best friend, Avery a little while back and explained my sudden disappearance, minus the part where I was kidnapped or the part that I was a part of the mafia. I just told her that I ran off with the love of my life when I got fired.

It's wasn't a complete lie.

"It's time" someone shouted once again.

"See you out there" Avery said giving me a hug and leaving with Emma close behind.

Emma was my maid of honor and Avery was my bridesmaid, my only bridesmaid. I took a few deep breaths in and left the room.

It was in that moment that I really missed my mom and wished I had a dad. I wanted my mom here to cry and laugh with me. I wanted my dad to walk me down the aisle to the love of my life. Since I had none of those, I guess I'll have to walk down myself.

I walked and stopped around a corner where no one could see me with a sad expression, but I was also excited. I was waiting for my cue to walk in and finally be with my soon-to-be husband.

"Need a hand there?" someone said beside me and I looked in their direction to see Stefano.

"Um... Not really" I said a bit nervously. My nerves were going haywire right now and I really needed to calm down. He cleared his throat and tried again.

"I know we haven't always been on the best of terms, but you deserve to have someone give you away and..." he said scratching the back of his neck nervously.

"Well, I would like to walk you down the aisle" he said with a shaky smile. A genuine smile graced my face as I looped my arm with his.

"Thank you" I smiled.

"It's no problem at all" he said with a cute boyish grin.

The song came on and I walked around the corner and stood at the start of the carpet. We were having the wedding at our mansion, and Emma was not happy. I had spent weeks going over venues with Emma, only to finally settle on having the ceremony at the backyard of the house.

I looked ahead of me and my breath hitched in my throat when I saw him. He was wearing a tux that made him look even more handsome than he already was. What made him look even more handsome was the fact that he was holding the twins in either arm.

I began my walk down the aisle, not taking my eyes off him. I don't know if my eyes were playing tricks on me or that Emilio had just shed a tear. I decided to go with the former, because there was no way that he was crying.

I walked up to the steps and Stefano let go of my hands and took the twins from Emilio. Emilio took my hands in his large warm hands and helped me up the two steps.

"You look beautiful" he said wiping away a stray tear.

"Please don't cry or else you're going to make me cry" I said as a few of my own tears had managed to escape. I laughed a little as he reached forward and wiped my tears away.

The priest started with the usual greetings and the ceremony went on. I didn't hear a word the priest was saying as Emilio and I stared at each other. It was like we were in our own little world, and everything and everyone else disappeared.

"Layla" I heard someone calling my name and realized that I had spaced out. Everyone chuckled at that, while a blush coated my cheeks.

"It's time for the vows" the priest said looking at me expectantly. I cleared my throat and proceeded to recite my vows.

"I Layla Smith take you Emilio Moretti to be my husband. I vow to love you as you love me, through all hardship, darkness, and pain to reach for our joys, our hopes, and always with honesty and faith. All I have in this world I give to you, I promise to hold and keep you, comfort, protect, and shelter you, for all the days of my life" I finished with a broad smile and a few stray tears. It was now Emilio's turn.

"I Emilio Moretti take you Layla Smith to be my wife. The simple words 'I do' reflect the contract I have with you, my wife. To do whatever and anything it takes to make you happy, to take action in our marriage and not just give lip service to those actions, but most of all that I do love you, and always will" he finished smiling.

Luciano came forward with the rings and I couldn't help but think how adorable he looked in his little tux. Like a mini Emilio.

"Layla, do you take Emilio to be your lawfully wedded husband?" the priest directed his question to me.

"I do" I replied without any form of hesitation, looking at Emilio with a soft smile. I then slipped the ring on his ring finger.

"Emilio, do you take Layla to be your lawfully wedded wife?" the priest now directed his question to Emilio.

"I do" he said and slipped on the ring on my ring finger.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife... You may now kiss the bride" the priest announced.

As soon as those words left his mouth Emilio pulled me in for a kiss. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he lifted me off the ground. Pulling back from the kiss, he leaned his forehead on mine.

"I love you" I said with a grin on my face. I think that has now become my favorite three words.

"Ti amo anch'io" he replied pressing another kiss to my lips.

Emma and Avery gave me a congratulations hug, while Emilio received pats on the shoulder from Luca and Enzo.

This was one of the best days of my life and I couldn't be happier. There was just one thing missing to make this moment whole. I walked over to Stefano and took my babies in my arms.

I hugged them close to my chest and Emilio came up behind me and put his arms around me. He kissed my cheek and then placed kisses on the twins cheeks also.

This was my life now.

This was home.


Finally tied the knot💍

I just want to say thanks to everyone who stuck around and came on this journey with me. I couldn't have gotten this far without all of your support. There were days when I felt like giving up, but then I remember that you guys were counting on me. You guys are the reason why I keep going and will continue to do so❤️

A huge shoutout to

It's sad to see this book come to an end, but we all know that all good this must come to an end💔

Don't worry.

There will be a surprise in the next chapter.

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