Chapter 40

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"I'm going to grab a snack

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"I'm going to grab a snack. Anybody want one?" I asked getting up from the couch. There was a series of 'no' so I went to the pantry to grab a few snacks for myself.

We were currently in the living room discussing some new plans and strategies to be used in the future. I was very much involved in the discussion since I was now officially a member of the mafia.

So far everything was good and there havent been any major problems. We just had a few minor problems getting everyone to work together. Yup, both the Italian and Russian Mafia have come together. We still refer to them as they are, with someone else temporarily in charge of the Russians until I could take over.

My mother and father were horrible people. But I thought that with me in charge I could make a few changes and restore the integrity of the Dmitriev name.

I bent over to pick up a snack and as soon as my hand touched the snack I peed myself. No scratch that, my water broke. I felt a contraction and I held onto the wall for support. It was so painful that it felt like I was blinded by the pain for a second.

When the pain subsided I stood up and made my way back to the living room, taking deep breaths as I went.

"Guys" I called to gain their attention, but no one even noticed me standing there not too far from them. They were too busy arguing about who knows what.

"Guys" I said a bit louder, gripping the couch in pain as another contraction came. They still didn't pay attention to me.

"GUYS" I shouted, gripping the couch even harder as another contraction hit me with full force.

"Did you pee yourself?" Enzo asked in amusement, chuckling to himself.

But I wasn't laughing. There was nothing to laugh about when I was the one in pain. No amount of books or videos could have prepared me for the pain I was in right now.

"The baby- the baby's coming" I shrieked as another contraction hit.

At hearing that everyone stopped what they were doing and began running about like mad ants. I swear they were no good at these types of things. Emilio rushed to my side immediately, guiding me to the infirmary.

I guess it was a good thing that he set up everything at home for me, because I didn't know how I would manage having to go all the way to the hospital.

"Yes. The baby's coming right now. You need to get here as soon as possible" Emilio spoke over the phone.

No it cant fuck wait. You think I can tell the baby when it's supposed to come? I don't care if you are in the middle of a fucking heart transplant or the other side of the world, get here now" he seethed hanging up the phone.

I stopped walking holding my back as another contraction hit.

"Are you ok?" he asked with concern.

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