Chapter 42: Going home to meet my mom

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I was having a pretty good dream when I was woken up by Austin's alarm going off on his phone. "Good morning beautiful, today is the day you get to being me home and show me off" "ugh do I have to get out of bed? it's so warm and cozy." "as much as I'd like to stay in bed with you, we have a flight to catch in 3 hours." "fine but I'm sleeping on the plane." Austin laughed and said "lol whatever you want princess." We got up and both brushed our teeth and finished packing up the things we couldn't pack last night. "Ready?" he asked me "only if you are" I replied and we both headed downstairs. Austin had a car come pick us up from his house because he was going to be gone too long to keep his car at the airport so we took our bags to our driver and he put them in the trunk as me and Austin got in the back seat. " So how long is our flight?" he asked me. "we have an hour flight from Salt Lake City to Dallas and then a 40 minute lay over in Dallas and from Dallas to home is another hour so about 3 hours give or take." "Good that gives you time to prep me for your family." "Oh gosh I don't know if you are ready for the prep it's gonna take." "Well let's start now. What's your parents name's. I think I may need to know that for sure." "Lisa and Edward" "Alright. What should I call them?" "My mom will probably eventually want you to call her Lisa or mom knowing her but I'm sure my dad is gonna play hardball with you so for now I think calling him Mr.Davis just until he warms up to you and then I'm sure he'll want you to call him Edward." "Noted. And I am staying at your house right?" "Yes but we can't mess around like I said they will kill both of us." " keeping my hands off of you for two weeks? how am I supposed to do that!" "well you'll have to figure that out. It's gonna be hard for me too so don't worry" "oh something will be hard." "Austin!" I said smacking his arm "I had to do it I'm sorry!" We both laughed as the driver pulled into the airport drop off and we got out and grabbed our bags and walked in and checked in and waited to board the plane. We sat about 50 minutes before we were called to board and shortly after we were buckled and waiting for take off. The pilot came on the air told us we were ready for take off and soon enough we were in the air. I tried not to think about that in 3 hours Austin will be meeting my parents because when I did I would panic and right now was not the time panic so I decided to take a nap but telling Austin to wake me as we landed. I had a good nap before Austin was waking me up telling me we were landing. We spent the rest of the time before our final flight and I was wishing I could freeze time and stay on this plane forever on this plane with Austin but I knew that could never happen. "Rose is there any last things I need to know about your family?" "Oh yeah, do NOT smoke in the house they will dislike you big time. Just do it outside." "Got it. I'm excited for to see where you grew up." "Don't get too excited cowboy there ain't much to do there." "Do your friends know I'm coming back with you?" "Nope I thought I would surprise them." "Nice." We were landing in my hometown airport and the nerves hit me. Austin grabbed my hand and said "Rose calm down. Everything will be okay." I felt calm after that because I knew at the end of the day, I love Austin and Austin loves me.  We made our way through the airport when I saw my mom and handed my bags to Austin and ran over to her and hugged her. "Mom! I missed you so much oh my god." "I missed you too Rose!" she said pulling away from me as she saw Austin walking up to us. " And you must be the Austin that Rose keeps talking about" "Yes ma'am its nice to meet you Mrs. Lisa" "Oh don't be silly call me Lisa" My mom leaned into to me " I like him already." Those words made me so happy but he still had to meet my dad and the rest of my family and I knew that wasn't going to be as easy as this was. "So you guy's hungry?" "Uh yeah actually" Austin said "good we are meeting Rose's dad and brothers for brunch" my mom said. Oh god was all I could say. "Sounds great" Austin said calmly. How can he be so calm at a time like this. We walked out of the airport to my moms car parked in the front of the airport and put our bags in the back. I got in the front with my mom and Austin got in the back. Where we were going to eat wasn't too far from the airport so I didn't have much time to process how this lunch was going to go. I texted Austin to make sure he was okay as my mom drove 

Me: Are you okay knowing you have to meet my dad soon?

Austin aka Posted Malone: I can't lie I am a nervous wreck but I'll be okay as long as you're by my side

Me: well I'm not going anywhere. I love you

Austin aka Posted Malone: I love you too babygirl

"Are you two texting each other right now?" my mom asked me. I didn't want to tell her the truth but I can't also lie to her. Before I could answer my mom said "it's okay if you are I'm only assuming it's about him meeting your dad" "Yes it is" "don't worry I had a long talk with him this morning and he said he'd be on his best behavior" "oh thank god" I said as we pulled into the parking lot seeing my dad and brothers waiting at the front door. "You guys ready?" My mom asked. "Yeah" Austin and I both said as we got out of the car. 

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