Chapter 48: December 23rd

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After having dinner with my friends, Austin and I didn't really do anything interesting to the weeks leading up to Christmas week. We went on a few dates here and there but nothing interesting came out of it. Eventually I told my parents Austin and I were sleeping in each others room and they didn't care so eventually Austin moved all his stuff into my room. We spent those weeks finishing up shopping for our families and friends and before I knew it, it was December 23rd and I still had no gift to give to Austin in two days. My mom tried to talk to him to see what he could possibly want but she couldn't get anything out of him. I was running out of time and options so I turned to the people who know him best, his family and friends. I sent Rich, Jodie, Nicole, Dre, and Adam messages asking them to help me or give me some kind of idea. Adam and Dre both said to get him a necklace with my name on it because he probably would never take it off. Nicole said anything Versace, Gucci, or Louis Vuitton. Normally I would never be able to shop at these places but since I started working for Austin I can afford that times 3. Rich and Jodie basically said the same thing as Nicole along with anything homemade or related to Bud Light which gave me an idea. I did decide to go for the necklace with my name on it because I thought the idea was actually really cute. I then decided to buy him Versace boxers because he likes to brag about them in Saint Tropez and then lastly I decided to buy him a 24 pack of Bud Light. I know it sounds corny but I was actually excited to give them to him. I had to find some kind of excuse to tell him why I was leaving and he couldn't go with me so I went to my dad. "Hey dad" "yeah kiddo?" "I really need to go shopping for Austin for Christmas and I need you to distract him for me." "Oh I can do that for sure" I was thankful he agreed. I knew he could do it I just needed him to say he would. I went back up stairs to tell Austin I needed to "go to the doctor" but really I was going to the mall. "Is everything okay?" Austin asked in a concerning tone. "Yeah just need a check up before tour is all." "Do you need me to come?" "Uh no. I think my dad wants to spend the day with you though so I'll see you when I get back" I said kissing him and grabbing my purse and headed out. The mall in my hometown didn't have a Versace so I was going to have to overnight that gift so I went a head and did that before going inside. I knew the jewelry store could customize the necklace for me because I called a head and had them make it so all I had to do was pick it up. I called Aspen to see if she wanted to come with my and she said she would so I headed to her house to pick her up. Once I got to Aspen's she got in my car "so what are we doing?" "Uh I have to pick up Austin's Christmas's gifts." "ooo what are you getting him?" "Well from the mall I have to pick up a necklace I got made for him with my name on it, I ordered him some underwear from Versace since he likes to rap about having them and I'm buying him a 24 pack of beers." "Oh nice, he's gonna like the necklace I bet." "I hope. I also need to figure out a homemade gift to make him. I asked his dad for ideas and he told me he likes pictures so I was gonna make a frame of all the pictures I have of me and him. Do you think that's stupid?" "Girl no I think it's very thoughtful and I know for sure he'll love that" "I hope so" I said getting out of the car in the mall parking lot. We went straight to the jewelry store and pick the necklace up and it was just as perfect as I wanted. We spent about an hour doing last minute shopping and then went to the grocery store so I could get the beers. On the way to take Aspen home I asked her if I could wrap the gifts at her house so Austin didn't see me doing it and I would just keep them in my trunk. On the way back to her house we stopped and got food to take with us because we were both starving from shopping. Once we got back to her house we went in and I started to wrap. "So Aspen I have to tell you something." "Oh god are you pregnant?" " Oh lord no but the other morning I overheard my dad and Austin talking and Austin asked my dad if he could propose to me when we go to New York" "WHAT" "I know. I feel bad I know but I've been dying to tell someone." "Oh my god are you gonna say yes?" " Well duh" "Oh my god this is so exciting" "It's been so hard acting like I don't know but you know I hate surprises so I'm glad I know about it but I don't know when or where it's gonna happen in New York." "This is so exciting Rose holy crap" " Well I guess I should get going before Austin get's his ears talked off from my dad" "Alright. Wait does this mean next time I see you, you're gonna be an engaged woman?" "I hope so" I said walking out of her door and to my car. I really hope so I said getting in my car and heading home. 

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