53rd Chapter

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Nobody's speaking inside V's car as we make our way to our flat, my eyes were glued outside but I can sense the frequent glances V has been giving me and I can hear him sighing from time to time. There's a heavy feeling within me and I'm afraid that I will cry again the moment I tried opening my mouth so I decided not to talk until we reached our destination. I'm also concerned since V's currently driving and I don't want to distract him while we're still on the road.

It seems like V is thinking the same when I felt the car stopped halfway to our flat. I looked around and noticed that V parked the car on the side near an abandoned lot and I know that he wanted to talk right now.

"Babe..." he called but I didn't move to even glance at him. "Babe, please look at me..." he repeated in a troubled voice and I willed myself not to be affected by how he sounded.

I turned my head to look at him while wearing a poker face and I instantly bite on my inner cheeks to stop myself from voicing out my concern upon seeing his pained expression.

"I-I'm sorry if I didn't t-tell you the truth as soon as p-possible... I k-knew that it'll h-hurt you once you l-learned that my parents were a-against our relationship and I d-don't want that. It m-might sound selfish but I-I got s-scared... scared that y-you might b-broke up with me." he muttered and he moved to clasp both of my hands. "I'm s-sorry, babe.. please forgive me." he pleaded.

"But you lied to m-me..." I whispered and I felt a single tear escaped my right eye. "You s-should know b-better... the t-truth hurts, yes... but I'm h-hurting more because y-you're not honest with me." I stopped talking because I felt my eyes burned with tears and I instantly looked up as an attempt to stop them from falling.

"H-How can we get through this t-together if y-you're blinding m-me with the truth?" I said and tried withdrawing my hands from V's hold so I can wipe my tears away but he's not letting go of it. "And do you t-think that my l-love for you is that s-shallow? That I'll j-just leave you and our r-relationship because of what your p-parent's think of me?" I accused him, not hiding the hurt that I'm feeling right now.

I tried pulling my hand again but his grip just tightened around it. "Will y-you please let go of m-me?" I asked, trying to stay calm while my tears continuously fall from my eyes.

"N-no..." he answered in a small voice but I can sense that he's scared. "I w-won't let you go... I won't... e-ever... let go of y-you... p-please, Tzuyu..." he added and I felt something gripped my heart tightly when his voice cracked which is a sign that he's also crying.

I tried looking at his face through my blurry vision and I know that I should be mad at him but seeing him in tears right now is a sight I wished not to see ever again. He looked so vulnerable that it made my anger vanished instantly and was replaced by an urge to console him.

"I'm not g-going anywhere... I j-just wanted to wipe t-these stupid tears." I sobbed and he surprised me when he pulled me closer to his chest, hugging me tightly as he broke down into sobs.

We cried in each other's arms for a long moment while V constantly whispered his apologies next to my ear. I'm not speaking but I'm rubbing his back to calm him. I only stopped giving soothing touches when I felt that he's not crying anymore and I, too, have managed to calm myself during that time. I took a deep breath and released myself from V's hug.

"Do you have some clean tissues in here?" I asked, voice a little hoarse from all that crying.

He pointed at the glove box of his car and I quietly fetch a box of tissues in there. I dried my face first before reaching out to do the same on V's wet cheeks. I started wiping his tears away without saying a word. He's still handsome even after crying like the way he did a while ago and I envied how his eyes didn't even puff (unlike mine) but the sides of his nose is redder than the other parts of his face.

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