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Elsa Arendelle

I caught up with Punz and Mer after the diner date.

"That was great!" Mer yells laughing.

"How did you know? I didn't see you." I say and Mer and Punz smile cheekily at each other.

"We were eating at the very back tables and disguised with shades." Punz explains.

"That's not suspicious at all!" I exclaim sarcastically. "Anyway he didn't look jealous at all. Sorry Punz."

"Pshh Elsa he was totally jealous! Anyway he'd be even more jealous if you go to the Winter Dance with Pan." Punz explains.

"I am not going, sorry." I respond.

"Same 'ere." Mer says and we both high five.

"I'm going alone now ... ugh you guys don't you dream of having the perfect date and you emerge in a wonderful dress. It's like a fairytale." Punz dreamily says.

"Nope." I laugh.

Jack Frost

I am in my bed texting Mavis when BOOM it happens just like that.

Mavis: I'm breaking up with u.

Me: What?!

Mavis: I know u like someone else and that someone is the one that I hate.

Me: Then who will I go to the Winter Dance with?!

Mavis: Your problem baii XD

I know who Mavis is talking about ... Elsa Arendelle.

Why is it when she comes back she ruins everything. I can't find another date because everybody knows I'll break their heart.

But on the other hand I still have admirers because they don't care about my history they care about my stunning looks.


School again and the news that I am single has spread like wildfire.

Everybody has a date but me. The Winter Dance is this Friday and I am late lacking a date ... for the first time in forever.

The Winter Dance is apparently compulsory but Elsa isn't going for some reason.

I walk to my locker and bang my head to see Elsa ignoring me for some reason.

"Hey Elsa did you hear? Mavis broke up with me ... who knew right?" I  chuckle and Elsa glares at me.

"I knew." Elsa says without showing any emotions.

"Why so glum chum?" I ask imitating a British man.

"The teacher confronted me about having to go to the dance or else I'll have to do a bunch of homework for the night and hand it in the next day." Elsa explains.

"Oh that sucks ..." I say lying.

Maybe she doesn't have a date and we can go together! Not as in like girlfriend or boyfriend but like as in friends.

"Are you going to go?" I ask.

"I have too." Elsa sighs.

"Do you have a date?" I ask.

"Don't know yet since I was late to tell everyone I was actually going all the good guys are taken. And I am left with the creeps asking me out." Elsa explains.

"Aren't you going with Peter?"

"Peter told me he has this 'ball' thing with his parents business." Elsa says. "Do you have a date?"

"Uhm no." I say and scratch the back of my neck.

Elsa smiles and pats my shoulder. "It's okay ... don't cry." She says mockingly and laughs.

She grabs her books and walk away.

She didn't even consider me!

Elsa Arendelle

So my mom got a call from a teacher saying that I have to go. My mom went latino and told me to go too. So I really don't have a choice.

I asked Peter was still free but apparently he has this 'Business Ball' with his parents.

So great the only free people left are creepy pervs. Just ... great.

I guess I can go by myself but people will really question if I am suppose to be popular.

Yes the school is already mine but I have to protect my rep.

I also heard that Mavis' date is Hans and as for Pitch he's been nagging me to go with him.

Surely I would've said 'yes' but he kicked me out of the Fearsome group! I obviously would say no!

At lunch time I grab my food and Jack was sitting in my spot.

Punz and Mer were nowhere to be seen.

I walk up to Jack. "Ahem you're in my seat." I tell him.

Jack smirks. "No I am not. It doesn't have your name on it." He jokes.

"Ha. Ha. You are such a crack up." I say sarcastically "Go away."

"Hold on Els answer me this first." Jack smiles and gets up from my seat and drags me into a lonely hall.

"What?!" I scowl and Jack takes a step foward and gives me direct eye contact.

"Elsa will you go to the dance with me?"



Unlike my other book Frosted Bodies I am making this book as I go.

So comment on what you'd like to happen!

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