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Ryujin's POV

I'm was on my way to itzy's practice room when I bump into someone. I know him.

He's the one I saw in the elevator. I heard that he's JYP's nephew and dayhun unnie's cousin. He's kinda handsome tho.

"I'm sorry" i said.

"no. It's okay, it's my fault"

"are you alright?" he asked politely.

"yes" i said smiling.

"that's good to hear. I'll go now" he said smiling.

That smile. How can he be effortlessly cute?

He bowed at me and bowed back. I swear he's so cute.


I made my way to uncle's office.  Not bad. He's idols are good looking especially that girl blue-haired girl.

But i forgot to ask her name! Your so dumb y/n.

"so, how's your tour?"

"it's good. I met some of your artists. You made a good choice they're all good looking." I said as i felt my cheeks heat up. Am I blushing? I hope that uncle didn't notice this.

"why are you blushing?"

"what? Me? When?" i said nervously.


We're here in a very exclusive restaurant and we're currently eating some Korean foods.

I miss this kind of food. Especially kimchi. I haven't eaten this in 12 years.

"so about your school, when do you wanna start? I already enrolled you"
Uncle said

"what? You didn't even ask me in wich school i wanted to go"

"you said you wanted to go to a multi art school so enrolled you in Hanlim Multi arts school"

"Some of my idols are going there too so you wouldn't be alone" he said.

"I'll start tomorrow" "but I don't know anyone yet" i said and laughed.

"I'll introduce you to Itzy. They go to the same school as yours"

"itzy? Who are they?"

"they're my idols. They're all girls so you better behave. And I want them to be friends with you. And also, you can take care of them right?"

"me? You serious? But sure if you want to" "but you didn't introduce me to them earlier" i said.

"your going to meet them tomorrow. The girls are practicing earlier so I couldn't introduce you them earlier." he replied.

"come to my office tomorrow ok? You'll meet them tomorrow before you go to school" he added.

"okaaaay" i said with a hint of excitement.

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