Long ass day

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I woke up 3 in the mornin to aunt Linda loud ass. Ray was knocked df out. "I wonder what she doin here?" I whispered to my self. I got up and went to the living room and hugged her then my mom told me what was happening. I got sad but at the same time I knew it was for the better. They packed everything except the furniture I hugged her for a good minute she was crying I knew she didn't want to go. Within seconds my mom started cryin too. We finally went down to aunt Linda's car and said are last good byes I slept uneasy for the rest of the night. 6:30am came at the blink of an eye. I texted Drew and told him we where going to New York instead of school. "10/4 baby" he texted back. Damn I can't get how cool and laid back of a person he is.

Shit what am I gon do bout Ray? I knew if I told him he would definitely wanna come. Hmm? Imma jus leave after him. I did my plan and it worked I got 500$ from my stash of working with mom last summer and of course my pocket knife and headed out the door. Me and Drew walked out the back way of the projects, walked 3 blocked to the train station and cought the train. We sat on the second level and walked to the last cart so we cud be alone "baby what u wanna do afta we finish high school" he asked me "I wanna have a international job so I could taval the world." I looked out the window. "What u wanna be Drew"he turned my head "I wanna do what Eva u do baby n we could build a big ass house in a poor country n retire there and I could have a bunch a kids I always wanted dat" I put my head down I felt something eatin me up inside, it was guilt I felt like I was holding him back that I was a bundle of confusion ready to screw up his life right along wit mine. As much as I act straight the reality always haunted me. I wouldn't have a wife and kids. I wouldn't be a father. "What am I doin?" I asked him. "baby wat u talkin bout?" He said putting his arm arm around my neck I eased it off " Drew I don't wanna fuk yuh dreams up, you was straight n I got u into dis. I wouldn't wish dis on ma enemy all the pain I went through? Da idea that imma b the fucked up dude wit no kids or wife in the future but to tie somebody down with me? Dats evil to rob u a dat. I love u too much Drew." He looked at me with sincere concern and said "u my baby and dats all dat matta. I Neva felt dis way bout no girl eva. Yo  personality is all a what I Eva wanted not to mention you da only dude that was worth trying out and I don't regret it. Baby I'm wit u cuz u make me happy. I'll risk anything fuh yuh Tye, life ain't a written out book and I don't plan on making it dat way. right now its bout me an u an dats it." He kissed me a warm feeling came to me maybe cuz after he said that I leaned on him and rested my head on his chest. It was like I was in my own world I felt his heart beat " Renmen ou" he whispered in my ear I didn't know what it meant or where he even got that from but it was so sexy I kissed him and said "I love you too" his eyes widened "how you know- " I stopped him."u could say it any language I know when my manz tell me he love me, what language was dat?" "it was creole" it made sense now that's why his last name was Hilaire "u Haitian?" I asked him "my daddy grandparents came to New Orleans from Haiti an Neva stop talkin creole so he only talked to me in Creole so it came as a second language." I wanted to ask where his dad was but I didn't wanna mess up the mood "Drewshaun Fulani Hilaire"I jokingly said in mother like voice, he ignored me cuz he hated when I said his full name. "I got da whole day planned" drew said I was surprised I mean he only been here for 3 weeks n now he showin me around New York. We caught the L line to west village." Da fuk we doin in west village?" I asked "jus hold on" he walked me to this walk in basebent i started to feel uneasey to my suprise it was a adult toy store "I want u to take ma man hood" Drew said trying to sound serious we both laughed hard ascell. Dis short Dominican guy walked up and started speaking Spanish to me "I looked at Drew like wtf? "No savé" he stopped "damn boy you look Dominican as fuck" he talked a really feminine which was kinda annoying to me "I'm Cuban and black" "porque!!?why ju no espeakeng Español" he asked with his cool accent". "Ma dad got shot when I was a baby" "Ay dios mios! ok sorry for asking, what can I help you two tall sexy boys today?" Drew looked annoyed "we ight" I said in a blunt tone. He made a stink face and walked away. Drew walked up behind me "so what imma need to do dis?" i could tell he was a lil uneasy about it, He put his chin on my shoulder I got a little basket and picked up 2 douches, some flavored lubricants, whip cream(yea they had everything), condoms, a lil dildo and a 2 way dildo he looked at me with his sexy ass"damn I ain't know we was doing all dat" I put on a bill Cosby voice "I mean I like  sex wat can I say"Drew was crackin up I love when he laugh he look like a Lil kid he was about a inch taller then me with grey eyes mine are green I continued looking I picked up a jorges gang and a DL chill spot DVD. I rang it up drew thew in a squeeze pop i baught the stuff and Drew put it in his book bag. "I gotta surprise for you" we caught the subway to Brooklyn and got off on flatbush in the Bed Stuy area, he automatically noticed the abundance of Caribbeans, and loved it we walked into a Haitian restaurant. "awe Mann I ain't had Haitian (ah-E-teeyan) food in years" he ordered the food in creole he got me griot (fried pork) with some tostoné lookin things and djon djon it was like a really dark rice the people looked at me funny I knew they prob thought I was Dominican I kinda liked it. He tore his food up and ate some of mine too he had a fast matabalism like me. After we finished we got like 4 Jamaican beef patties n soda cuz we was still houngry. It was kinda weird how much we had in common. He even ate like me we walked down flatbush Eating the bangin ass beef patties "I love it here" Drew told me as he stuffed his face I saw a basketball court Drew and me played he was pretty good we ended up playing with four other guys. Some how we lost track of the time it was 4pm now. Me and Drew was soaking with sweat we took off our shirts and bought a 2 pack of black wife beaters and put dem on we cought the subway and train back home, my mom called me "Tyequan Romario Espino we need to have a talk" I knew it was some serious shit she said my whole name. I hope I'm not in trouble

A DL Love Story part 2Where stories live. Discover now