Chapter Four: Eric

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“Do you want to tell why you left me stranded at the table? I was humiliated.”

I couldn’t even hear what she was saying, I tried to string the words that were coming out of her mouth together but they still made no sense, all I could see was Amy, what she said, what I said and what wasn’t said.


“Okay? Sorry did you just say Okay? First you abandon me at dinner and now you refuse to answer my questions.”

I ignored her; she was giving me a migraine. I slid the card down the hotel room door, undressed and fell into bed; it wasn’t until Carey had fallen asleep as well that I got out of my wallet a picture of Amy, she was sitting on the fence of the Solar Blue house looking out to the waves with a flower on one side of her hair that matched her dress. Fly’s boyfriend Heath had taken the picture when he visited but when I went down to get a drink in the middle of the night I saw all his processed photos on the table, then I saw the one of Amy and I took it.

I try not to look at it too much, but there was nights in LA and everything was amazing and I would just look at the picture and wonder what she was doing.

I had to sort things with her once and for all, I had to talk to her again and I had to make her talk to me but the chances of her coming back to the restaurant while I’m in the country were extremely slim, I thought she lived hours away from here with her parents but that had obviously changed. I knew Rachel lived with her parents nearby and Corey was in the area and Brooke told me that Mike lived about an hour’s commute away.

I didn’t know how well my plan would end, but at least I had an idea about how to start.

“Hello! Is anybody in?” I kept on knocking harder on the oak door that was the entrance to a small two story house. “Anyone? Come on there’s a car right there!”

 I heard the sound of the water and turned to the left to see a friendly old man coming around the side of the house.

“Alright, alright hold your horses, I was watering my petunias.”

“Sorry sir, is Rachel in?”

“She will be in any second, you a friend of hers?”

“Yep” I used to be.

“You look familiar what’s your name?”

I don’t know why I said it but it seemed easier for me to lie about my age than go through the whole Solar Blue/Blue Water High memory catch up.

“Ah, Ken” Don’t even ask how I got that name, I’m not sure I even know myself.

“Right, Ken. Well take a seat on the front step and wait if you want.” I smiled and took a seat while he watered his flowers; it was awkward to say the least. He didn’t even bother with small talk which made it even worse so I pretended to take a great interest in his letterbox. A blue car came around the corner and sped onto the driveway into the garage, Rachel’s dad stepped in front of me towards the car.

“Who?” she walked around the corner and saw me, her eyes widened as she jerked back to her car as if she wanted to crawl back in it.

“Of course! Ken, Dad do you mind?”

“She wants me to bugger off” her dad smiled to me and I tried to smile back, once he had gone inside it was even more than before.

“So, how are you?”

“Good yeah, I’m on Uni holiday at the moment.”

“Right, how’s that?”

“Fun, well hard but it’s still fun.”

I nodded, she didn’t need to ask what I had been up to as my life for the past four years had been splayed across magazines and interviews and newspaper articles.

“Have you been surfing since you’ve been back?”

“Nope, my manager told me this trip was purely promotion only, I’ve done a few of these for the papers this morning and I have one T.V. later tonight. He even kept my board from me.”

“Don you want to go for a surf? I have a few spare boards and stuff.”

“Yeah” The waves were the only place that wouldn’t be awkward; they were the only place where everything didn’t have to seem so real.

“Go easy on me yeah? I’m just a small fry compared to you.” She said as we stood on the shoreline, I nodded and we ran in. The sea wasn’t producing the best waves but they were familiar like I was home. There was a void between Rachel and I that we couldn’t pass unless one of us decided to speak; I had a feeling it would have to be me. After about an hour on the water we went back onto the beach and sat on our towels in silence.

“Why’d you guys stop talking to me? I thought we were friends, I thought we were going to stay friends.”

“It was just easier I guess.” She said looking down while I looked out.

“Tell me where she is Rach, please.” Rachel looked at me her legs crossed and she put her head in her hands.

“I-I dunno Eric.”

“Please I won’t tell her it was you who told me.” I pleaded with her jokingly to try and ease the tension.

“I think it would be pretty obvious.” She thought for a moment. “I’ll tell you where her house is, it goes against my whole friendship with Amy and she may never trust me again but I’ll tell you where it is.”

“I’m not trying to force you Rach.” I told her, she smiled, stood up and then leant her hand down to help me up.

"No one forces me to do anything."

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