Chapter Three: Amy

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        "Mum, Dad I need to talk to you"

        "What is it sweet heart?"

        "I'm pregnant"

        They both thought I was joking when I told them, laughing it off as though it was just my way of getting out of going to the Uni open day. It had been nearly two months since Eric left, and three weeks since I made Rachel make a two hour drive to my house with on stop on the way... a pharmacy.

        "God, Mum I'm not joking"

        "Yes, yes you are- we wouldn't have raised our daughter to be so stupid and careless"

        "Turns out you did"

        The looks on their faces still kills me, though they soon became the angriest they had ever been the first emotion that crossed their face was disappointment.

        "Who did this to you?"

        "Don't make it sound like I was forced to do it Dad!"

        "Then answer the question"

        "Who do you think?"

        They didn't have to ask again, I think they knew all along.

        "Well how convenient, he's pissed off and left us with all this!"

        "It's not your problem mother!"

        "Oh, and you're going to buy clothes, pay for childcare, doctors appointments?"

        "I don't know yet!"

        "That's just it you don't know! You're too naive to understand the implications"

        "I know enough to that you'll think I'll be a shit mother"

        Mum started crying and Dad tried to calm her down, while I sat at the table feeling more like a child than I have in years, ironic really- there I was, facing the most adult thing I could ever face in my life and I felt like a child.

        "There are the two most obvious options."


        "Get rid of it now or get rid of it later"

        "And they are my only options?"

        "While you are under my roof, yes. Your father and I will pay for everything then you can go to university and forget this whole incident."


        I told them I'd move out, I screamed and shouted and packed my suitcase and called Rachel and asked her to pick me up and though it was midnight she did. She offered he brother's old bedroom and her and her parents helped me get a job so I could start to them back for the clothes and food they bought. I finally saved up enough for Lea and I go get a flat close to Rachel's house when she had turned two. 

        Every day in the back of my mind I knew I should tell him, then I would see something on the sports channel or in the paper or I would overhear Mike and Corey talking about all the amazing stuff Eric was doing when they though I wasn't listening and I knew that I had to keep on going on.

        I tried to gain my composure that I had completely lost when Eric had left at the restaurant before I stepped inside the flat; I wiped my eyes, took ten deep breaths then unlocked the door with my keys. I crept into Lea's bedroom and kissed her forehead "Sleep tight my beautiful princess". I snuck out of her room and heading towards the humming T.V. in the lounge.

        "Hey, Corey thanks again for doing this, my babysitters sick, she's not a flake"

        "No worries" he said continuing to watch the waves on the T.V. rise and fall while surfers danced and glided their way through the water bobbing and jerking their bodies. We sat in silence for ten minutes hypnotized by the wave and what surfers were brave enough to own them and when the ad break cam it felt like I had left a dream.

        "I don't know if you want to know or anything Amy, but the program was advertising the Eric Tanner would be on the show tomorrow, meaning he's in the country." He said Eric's name so clinically, like they hadn't been inseparable friends.

        I nodded "He was at the restaurant." I spoke clearly so I didn't choke on my words.

        Corey just looked at me waiting for more words to come out of my mouth, when it became clear that none were coming he said the first thing that was on my mind.

        "Did you tell him about Lea?"

        "Nope, he was so angry Corey; I had never seen him like that. He was always the joker, but I made him so angry."

        We sat in silence again the surf on T.V. losing its hypnotizing magic.

        "I should have told him."

        "You thought you were doing the right thing."

        "I was so young, I still am so young and I just keep making the wrong decisions like my mother said I would."

        "That doesn't mean you're not a good mother."

        "Lea thinks she doesn't have a father, Eric thinks he doesn't have a daughter. What kind of mother does that make me?"

        "One who cares about other people so much that she forgets about herself." He smiled and picked up his jacket. "I gotta go; Rachel want me to help her flat search bright and early."

        "Flat searching... is what they call it these days." I said with a smirk.

        "I don't know what you're talking about." He said blushing. 

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