She is...

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~Minx/Michell's POV~

I ran out of my room slamming the door and rushed to my bathroom. I went inside and opened a cupboard and took out a cloth which held my most hated object which called out to me. I grabbed it and ran out letting my legs lead me to a nearby park where I soon sat there under a tree. I soon started thinking awhile when I took out the object which was covered in the cloth. Without me knowing it was raining heavily I shivered. I opened the cloth to reveal a gun which had one bullet. Good enough to end me. I smiled gently and raised it to my head. I closed my eyes and wish for it to end quickly when I heard someone yell, "Minx no!"

But it was too late. I shot the bullet and all went black.

~Cry/Ryan's POV~

"Minx no!!" I screamed as Minx had pulled the trigger. I watch her lifeless body fall to the ground. I ran over to her and looked her over I quickly picked her up and rushed her to the hospital without stopping.

Once I reach there I screamed for a doctor. They laid her on the bed and rushed her to the operation room. I was forced to wait outside. I wished and hope that Minx would survive. Part of me was happy Krism broke up with Minx. The other was angry that Krism broke up with her. My phone soon started to ring. I picked up and said, "Sup?"

"Cry?! What happen? Did you find Minx?!" Pewds started to scream. I felt dread build up inside of me.

"You might want Ken to hear this also.." I said. Pewds agree and started a group call.

"Hey guys! Cry how's Minx?" Ken asked.

"Pewds... Ken... Minx... shot herself ..." I said coming close to crying. There was silence on the other side.

"What!?!" They screamed in unison, "What happened then!?"

They soon started shooting questions at me. I answer them calmly and soon they got to the question which I couldn't answer.

"Will she be alive?" Ken asked. I went silent.

"I don't know..." I admitted biting my lower lip.

"Sorry Cry..." Ken said.

"For what?" I replied taking aback by the question.

"I know you have a crush on Minx." Ken admitted. I felt my breath caught in my throat.

"Wha?? Cry why didn't you tell me?!" Pewds said shocked.

"Crushes are suppose to remain crushes!" I said feeling a light brush taint my cheeks. I was feeling thankful I had my mask when a nurse told me I could see Minx. I rushed into the room to see Minx sleeping in a bed. She looked everything like her character. She had brown hair with a streak of purple. I pulled a chair beside her bed and continued talking to Pewds and Ken when she woke up.

~Minx/Michell's POV~

I felt myself being carried and soon heard people screaming before I slipped back into darkness. I woke up in a room being observed by a man with messy brown hair wearing a green hoodie along with a white mask. Similar to Cry's.

"Minx!" He screamed. He had the same voice as him as well. Soon I realised it was him. I also soon remembered what happened and put a hand on half of my face and started crying. My heart ached and refuse to want to stop. I felt arm around me and my eyes widen in shock. I looked and saw Cry hugging me. My eyes softened and I leaned in and kept crying.

"Why..." I said still crying, "Why did you stop me."

"Because you are my friend Minx!" Cry said and hugged me tighter. My heart started to ache even more for no reason. I kept crying as Cry said comforting words to me. Soon without me knowing it, I fell asleep.

~Cry/Ryan's POV~

"Because you are my friend Minx!" I said. My heart ached at the word friend. I knew I couldn't tell her I loved her after she had her heart broken. I hugged her tighter and started saying comforting words to her. Soon she fell asleep.

"Well I never thought you would hug her..." A familiar voice rang out. I looked over and saw Ken standing there.

"Ken! How did you-"

"I live nearby." Ken said cutting me off. I nodded and let go of Minx. Ken came over and sat down beside me and we waited for Minx to awaken once again.

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