Why you gotta be so rude?~

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~Cry/Ryan's POV~

I went to the living room and went to my kitchen leaving Ken and Minx to talk in the guest room.

"Does sandwiches sound good to you?" I yelled to them.

"Yeap!" Minx said while Ken walked out and shook his head.

"No, no, no. I am taking you out for lunch mister!" Ken said grinning.

"I don't really care what I'm and eating to be honest. Hospital food taste like trash!" Minx complained.

"I had it once. It was horrible..." I said agreeing with Minx.

"Then lets go!" Ken said grabbing Minx's and my own arm out the door screaming 'whee'.

"You're finally free man of the wall!" I screamed and started laughing.

"Pewds had us good with that one! 'E have my bananas o precious wall god!' " Minx say and we brust out laughing.

"Oh your bananas please me! I bless you with a large penis!" Ken said reenacting our TTT video. Soon all three of us brust out laughing.

"Oh what about me!!" A familiar Swedish accent called out.

"Pewdie!" All three of us cried.

"The gang's back together!!" Pewds screamed.

Soon we all ate lunch while joking about forgetting the fact that Minx had almost killed herself until she got a phone call.

"Hello?" She answered without looking at who it was.

"Put it on speaker!" Pewds screamed and she obeyed.

"Minx... bebe..." a familiar voice rang.

"K-krism?" Minx said with a pained expression.

"Ye bebe..." Krism muttered.

"W-what did you call for??" Minx stuttered.

"I wanted to ask. Did you really tried to commit suicide? " Krism say more frimly. Minx went pale and let a few tears run free.

"Y-ye..." Minx say less certainly.

"Well I wish it actually killed you bitch." Krism said frimly. Minx soon broke down and started crying.

"There, there Minx. Its okay! Its all fine! Don't worry about it!" I said trying to comfort her.

"Krism right?" Pewds asked innocently.

"What the fuck do you want." Krism spat.

"Why you gotta be so rude!" Pewds sang.

"Bitch." Krism said, "Oh Minx. You really are a good for nothing bitch. Can't handle you own fucking problem."

Minx broke down completely. Tears ran freely down her face and she looked down and put her hands over her heart. It broke my heart to see her like this so I leaned in and hugged her saying comforting words.

~Minx/Michell's POV~

Cry leaned in and hugged me whispering comforting words to me. Without thinking I leaned in and grabbed his shirt crying into it. My heart was breaking but also fluttering. I didn't understand why it did that.

"Look Krism. Why are you so mean? Unless you are nothing but a bully." Ken said.

"Oh I don't give a fuck. She wants to fucking die let her fucking die. She is useless any fucking way that fucking bitch!" Krism said and hung up. We sat in silence while I cried.

Soon I calmed down but when I tried to pull away Cry hugged me even tighter.

"C-cry?" I said stuttering.

"Don't think you're alone in this..." He said hugging me, "We are here for you. Don't forget that."

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