Chapter 14

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A/N: I am so sorry for the long-awaited update! The reason for the long wait is because (besides what's happening in the world) I'm having some trouble fitting the reader in the next scene. I want the conversation to flow as naturally as possible with an extra person. So, I'm trying to find places to fit reader in and having to rewrite the lines over and over till it matches the conversation. Along with trying to show how the reader fits in with the group too. So, it's a challenge but I hope you guys will enjoy it! 

gif from giphy, credits to owner


" What would I do for a million bucks? Well, I guess I'd do as little as I had to" Andrew answer the question. Earning a bored huff from you. Currently, the group is sitting down in a circle with Brian, Andrew and Allison against the railing while Bender and Claire are sitting opposite of each other. With their backs leaning against the support beans, while you're laying down in between them, completing the circle.

"That's boring," Claire complains, whining at Andrew's answer.

"Well, how I s'posed to answer?"

You huff once more. Annoyed and bored. Bored because for the last fifteen (15) minutes the group has been playing a game of 'would you rather'. While it has been entertaining here and now, you're still annoyed that Andrew has interrupted your moment with Bender. As it was when you pulled away from Bender that you realise just how much you wanted to kiss him! Who knows when that opportunity will happen again!

It's been a strange Saturday.

"The idea is to, like, search your mind for the absolute limit. Like, uh, would you drive to school naked?" Claire explains, getting a laugh from Andrew. So, why are you bored? Simple, the game got boring. Well, to you it has. The rest of the group is still very much entertain by it.

"Um, uh...would I have to get out of the car?" Andrew ask.

"Of course,"

"In the spring, or winter?"

'Oh my god, how many questions is he going to ask before he answers?! It's not like he's going to do it, right?' you ponder as you continue to stare at the ceiling since you're laying on your back.

"It doesn't matter...spring..." Claire decide.

"In front of the school or at the back of the school?"

"Either one"

There's a pause in the conversation. Causing you to tilt your head back and view Andrew and the others upside down. Yet, despite the odd position and view, you get a clear view of Andrew's 'thinking face' before answering Claire's question. " Yes," Andrew answer with an embarrassed shy smile on his face.

"Gross" you tease, smiling at Andrew. As you're about to continue to stare at the ceiling, a voice interrupts.

"I'd do that!" Allison suddenly bursts out. Catching everyone off guard. You roll onto your side and give Alison a confused look. "I'm sorry. What?" you question, not expecting Allison to say that. Alison locks her eyes on to you, smiling widely as she notices everyone is staring at her.

"I'll do anything sexual, I don't need a million dollars to do it either" Allison explains, now staring at Claire, who also wears a startled look on her face. "You're lying" Claire declare. "I already have...I've done just about everything there is except a few things that are illegal...I'm a nymphomaniac!" you do a double-take. Allison, a nymphomaniac? When did this happen?!

You suddenly question everything you know about Alison. Well, at least this cures your boredom.

"Lie" Claire roll her eyes at Allison. "Are your parents aware of this?" Brian asks with concern in his tone. 'Good old Brian to check on others' you thought to yourself.

"The only person I told was my shrink" Alison answer.

"And what'd he do when you told him?" Andrew ask.

"He nailed me" Allison answer with a wide smile on her face. Loving the attention she's getting from everyone as they look with confusion and disgust. That last one is mainly aimed at Claire as she gives Alison a bewildered look as she comments; "Very nice" in a sarcastic and judgement tone.

You quickly become lost and puzzle by the revelation of Allison's past time. "But, um. Are you-" you begin, trying to ask a question about the situation but loss for words. Allison watches with a gleeful smile as you stumble over your words. " is that even- how did you even br- are you okay?" you finally settle on.

"Yeah, having the time of my life" Allison teasing reply with a wink. You sit up due to the shock you get from the answer. "Shit, forget I even asked" you comment, becoming flustered. Bender laughs at your reaction. "Shut up you" you mutter at Bender as you playfully shove Bender's legs that are next to you.

"I don't think that from a legal standpoint what he did can be construed as rape since I paid him." Allison comments. "He's an adult!" Claire shouts in surprise and disgust that Allison would do such a thing. "You paid him?" you comment in pure surprise, " much does that even cost?" you mutter to yourself confuse on everything that's happening.

First, the group was playing 'would you rather' and now Allison shares to the group she's paying her shrink to 'nail her'? 'It's odd but hey, if the girl is enjoying herself'- you quickly cut that thought process. Feeling uncomfortable by it but not overly judgment. If anything, you just hope Alison is safe and alright.

As you settle your internal thought process, you look up in time to see Bender giving you a weird look. 'Shit, did he hear me?!' you internally panic as you give him a sheepish look in return. Yet you both snap out of it once hearing Alison's words. "Yeah...he's married too!".

At this point, Claire doesn't even try to hide her disgust as she stares at Alison. "Do you have any idea how completely gross that is?" she asks rudely. "Well, the first few times" Allison shrugs.

"First few times? You mean he did it more than once?"


" Are you crazy?"

"Obviously she's crazy if she's screwing her shrink" Brian answer Claire's question. Commenting on the situation. You have to hold in a laugh from said comment. 'God, I love you Brian' you thought to yourself as you hide your smile.

After a beat, Alison suddenly leans forward, directing her next question to Claire as she stares tensely at her.

"Have you ever done it?"Allison questions.

"I don't even have a psychiatrist" claire avoids the question. "Have you ever done it with a normal person?" Allison rearranges the question. You pick up how this is similar to what Bender ask earlier and how it bothered Claire. It makes you wonder why this is so necessary for others to know.

"This topic again? Really?" you comment with a roll of your eyes. "Now, didn't we already cover this?" Claire added to avoid the question.

"You never answered the question..." Bender points out. Becoming more interest in the conversation. "Look, I'm not gonna discuss my private life with total strangers." Claire declare. Setting her boundaries within the group. Her answer caused Allison to pause. Taking in Claire's words.

"It's kind of a double-edged sword, isn't it?" Allison ask.

"A what?" Claire question.

"Well, if you say you haven't... you're a prude. If you say you're a slut! It's a trap. You want to but you can't but when you do you wish you didn't, right?" Allison speaks her wisdom. Which happen to summarise the pressure of answering the question. You can't help but admire the answer. Along with taking note of how Alison is trying to support Claire.

"Wrong," Claire shakily answer.

Noticing how there's a pause in the conversation and how tense the room has become. You decide that you should help move the topic before someone has an explosive reaction or gets hurt.

"So, moving on-"

"Or, are you a tease?" Allison cuts you off.

"Fuck" you curse quietly as everyone stares at Claire for the answer. 

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2020 ⏰

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