Part 16

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A few weeks later, it was Christmas Eve and Michael was at his mums, dropping of some presents. I was lay on the sofa watching a Christmas carol with a mug of warm hot chocolate.

"Helllppppp meeeeee" I heard a woman scream.
I looked out the window to see a weak woman dragging herself down the round.

I ran up to her after putting my shoes on.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"You need to help me!!" She cried.

"How do I help you?" I asked.

"Take me away, away from him" she pointed towards my old house.

"Paul?" I questioned.

"How do you know him" she asked.

"Let's just say, he controlled me for a while and I was once in your position" I answered.

"TANNNNNNN" I heard Paul shouting.

"What have you done to her?" I shouted at him.

"No way!! I didn't think you would get involved, you know what I'm capable of" he laughed.

"And you know how strong I am" I replied.

"No... I know how weak your little peasant is" Paul added.

"He's stronger than you. It's Christmas Eve and you still have a cold heart" I shouted as he approached us.

"I guess the 3 Christmas spirits still haven't decided to visit me yet" He continued to laugh.

"I don't think you understand what you have done to her" I looked at her beaten body, it reminded me of what I once was."

"I don't care, she's horrible, she tried stealing my money from my bank account." he shouted raising his hand towards her.

"What the Hell" I looked at her.

"Yeah, that's why I was really angry, I still am angry" He furiously roared.

"Please... I'm sorry" she wiped her tears.

"Just let me take her" I helped her to stand up.

"No!!!" He started kicked her.

"Wait!!!! I'll give her back tomorrow, I'll change her and tell her about what a good guy you really are" I smiled at him.

"She's fine" he pulled her up and dragged her to his house".

Michael parked the car and walked up to me.

"Why are you out here?" He asked.

"We need to get her" I started walking to his house.


"That poor girl, she reminds me of my self" I stated.

"Well she is none of our business, we have just gotten rid of him. we can't get involved with him anymore, let's just go inside and call the police" Michael insisted.

I pecked him on the cheek and followed him inside.

We dropped our coats and slipped of shoes. we fell onto the sofa, he handed me the phone.

I dialed 999.


P:Hello, how can I help you.
M:Police please
P:ok, what seems to be the problem.
M:There's a woman, in the street, crying for help. She seems badly hurt, a mans dragging her to a house. He seems dangerous.
M:104 winlow lane
P:Okaii, we will be straight over. thank you.

The call ended.
5mins later, I noticed flashing light swarm down towards Paul's house.

I peaked out the window being noisey.

I saw Paul being taken into the police car and tan in back of the hospital van.

Paul glared at me, it was scary. It brought shivers down my spine.

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